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ETIMCOCA¹⁵⁷¹⁰²BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 东突分子¹⁰⁰ “ This is the first time that China has located an ETIM training facility inside Xinjiang, ” Gunaratna told AFP. 格纳拉特纳告诉法新社说,“这是中国首次掌握新疆境内东突训练设施的详细位置。” blog.sina.com.cn “ ETIM has become a generic term for any Uighur activist group that may or not have links with the Pakistan group, ” he said. 他说,“东突成了任何维吾尔活动人士组织的通称,而不管他们跟巴基斯坦的那个组织有没有关系。” blog.sina.com.cn But few incidents involving ETIM have been reported by the Chinese authorities in recent years. 但近几年来,中国政府几乎没有报道几件和东突有关的事件。 blog.sina.com.cn Early last year the Chinese police said that they had raided an ETIM training camp on the Xinjiang border, killing18 suspects and arresting17 others. 去年早些时候,中国警方曾说他们在新疆边境袭击了东突的一个训练营,杀死了18名嫌疑犯,并且逮捕了其余的17名嫌疑犯。 blog.sina.com.cn He said the East Turkistan Islamic Movement ETIM was a terrorism organization listed by the United Nations. 他说 i东突厥伊斯兰运动组织是联合国列出的恐怖组织之一。 ourtra If this attack did involve ETIM, it would be the deadliest yet attributed to the group. 如果东突卷入这次袭击事件,那将是这个组织最致命行为。 blog.sina.com.cn Not good. Dreams of ten, som etim es two or three dreams one. 不太好, 总做梦, 有时一晚上可以做两三个梦。 cnpharm Qin also briefed on the case of an ETIM organization who was planning a terrorism attack. 秦也简要叙述了东突策划的一次恐怖主义活动。 ourtra |