

单词 early start
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Prince Philip: I can't bear it anymore. If you're watching, I'll sleep next door. Early start tomorrow.
我再也不能忍受了。如果你还要看,我就睡隔壁去。明天要早起。 koolearn

The country's early start in mobile television owes as much to its sprawling suburbs as to its broadcasting acumen.
日本引领移动电视风潮很大程度上要归功于该国的城郊不断蔓延,而日本的广播公司敏锐的发现了这个商机。 ecocn

The Hong Kong insurance society, owing to its early start, has formed a whole set of strict credibility and claims payment practices.
香港地区保险业由于起步早,已经形成了一套严密的诚信体系及理赔做法。 cnki

AntiVir Guard starts as early as possible. This early start offers more security but extends the time until the computer is available.
尽早启动红伞监控。这样设置可以提供更多的安全,但同时也会延缓进入系统时间。 sanfans

Evening Ruth has fine ideas about an early start, but her late nights impose costs on Morning Ruth, who then stays in bed.
晚上的露丝有“一日之计在于晨”的良好想法但是她的晚睡确把成本强加给了早上仍然睡在床上的露丝. yeeyan

In order to obtain an early start in the market, shortening this process has become necessary.

Indonesia is getting an early start as the country prepares for presidential and local elections next year.
印尼正在及早准备明年的总统和地方官员选举。 kekenet

Shoppers got an early start this morning as they filled stores before dawn, hunting for deep discounts.
购物的人们起得很早,在黎明前就挤满了各家商店,希望能找到折扣很低的商品。 putclub




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