

单词 colorfully
释义 col·or·ful·ly 英'kʌləfəl美'kʌləfəl 高COCA⁴⁵²¹²iWeb³⁵⁶⁰⁰
having striking color;

colorful autumn leaves

striking in variety and interest;

a colorful period of history

a colorful character

colorful language

having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination;

colored crepe paper

the film was in color

amber-colored heads of grain

近义词 odd奇数的rich富有的loud大声的vivid生动的gaudy俗丽的showy鲜艳的droll好笑的bright明亮的unique独特的exotic外来的lively活泼的unusual异常的graphic生动的vibrant震颤的colored有色的striking显著的coloured彩色的brilliant卓越的eccentric古怪的chromatic彩色的offbeat不平常的colourful多色的variegated杂色的florid过分装饰的quaint离奇有趣的flamboyant艳丽的picturesque如画的interesting有趣的multicolored多色的animated生气勃勃的intriguing吸引人的exciting令人兴奋的kaleidoscopic万花筒似的imaginative富于想象力的…gay同性恋多指男同性恋)…distinctive独特的,有特色的,与众不…反义词 colorless无色的

用作形容词The children from ethnic minorities were featured with colorful costumes.少数民族的孩子身着华美的服装。
Next week, we will finish telling about the colorful nicknames of American states.下周,我们将进行最后一次介绍美国各州有趣的昵称。
It was an interesting scene to see policewomen or other working women in uniforms wearing colorful headscarves.有趣的是,女警察们和那些穿制服的女工们都带着彩色的头巾。as in.(brightly
同义词 brilliantly,cheerfully,merrilyjoyfully
反义词 darkly,dully,miserably,sadlyas in.gaily
同义词 brilliantly,cheerfully,flamboyantly,gleefully,joyfully,merrily,splendidlyblithely,flashily,glowingly,laughingly,lightheartedly,showily,sparklingly,spiritedly,vivaciously,with élan,with spirit
反义词 sadly,solemnly,unhappily
brightlyadverb happily
gailyadverb happily, brightly
blithely,brilliantly,cheerfully,colorfully,flamboyantly,flashily,gleefully,glowingly,joyfully,laughingly,lightheartedly,merrily,showily,sparklingly,spiritedly,splendidly,vivaciously,with spirit,with élan They were colorfully painted. More than4,000 gold and silver parts were attached to each of them as decorations.
雕塑装饰华美,上面贴了超过4,000张金银薄片。 hjenglish

Dozens of colorfully dressed members of the Uighur community from the Washington area beamed as they left the courtroom and began embracing.
几十名来自华盛顿地区维吾尔社区的成员身着盛装,微笑着离开法庭开始拥抱。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even though she died at the tender age of29, she had lived colorfully, vibrantly and fully.
虽然她29岁就离开这个世界,但她却有过多姿多采、活力四射和充实的生活。 iciba

In a world of precision-engineered digital cameras, the colorfully analog Blackbird fly is a strange bird— one that took almost15 years to hatch.
在这样一个高精密度数码相机的世界,像“飞翔燕子”这样的几乎酝酿了15年的照相机,算是很奇怪的一个了。 yeeyan

Nobody, but nobody, has ever cussed more colorfully on screen than Gleason as the redneck SHERIFF BUFORD T. JUSTICE, OF TEXAS!!!
没有人能像杰克·格里森那样能将一个乡巴佬似的警长演得如此生动,电影中这位布福德警长号称是德克萨斯的正义化身。 yeeyan

Parents often phrase this question more colorfully.
父母们的措词通常更加丰富多彩。 yeeyan

Sleeves, collars and trouser cuffs are colorfully trimmed.
在袖子,衣领和裤子的翻边处有色彩鲜艳的点缀。 bab

That's what he told us again and again in his campaign, not as colorfully as Edwards, but ultimately more convincingly.
那也是他在竞选中一次次告诉大家的,尽管言语没有爱德华说的那么有文采,但最终却更加让人信服。 yeeyan

The life- size statues were delicately carved and colorfully painted to make them appear like real humans if they were seen from a distance.
这些和真人一样大小的木像雕塑得非常地精致﹐再加上彩色的油绘﹐远远看去﹐真的像活人一般。 blog.sina.com.cn

Traditional clothing consists of colorfully embroidered shirts and dresses and in some regions loose-fitting pants for women.
传统的服装包括色彩绚丽的刺绣衬衫和裙子,在某些地区女性则穿宽松的裤子。 ebigear

With its wide streets and colorfully painted houses, the city combines Spanish and Caribbean traditions.
这座城市融合了西班牙和加勒比海的建筑传统,有着宽阔的街道和色彩缤纷的房子。 nciku

You gave me life, I will live it colorfully for us.
你给了我生命,我要为我们活得精彩。 enfamily

Colorfully mismatched socks make a striking fashion statement on a modern-day Shanghai street, a sight unthinkable during China’s conformity- driven Cultural Revolution.
色彩鲜艳却各自为政的袜子在充满现代感的上海街头高调地张扬着时尚,这一场景在要求高度统一的文革时期是不可想象的。 yeeyan

Colorfully decorate the sign with pictures, borders and other artwork.
用图片、边框和其他插图把“对不起”装饰得绚烂点儿。 yeeyan

Colorfully designed with tools and machines.
色彩设计工具和机器。 freemerce




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