释义 |
Akasaki 基本例句 n.赤碕在日本;东经 133º40' 北纬 35º31' In the late 1980s IsamuAkasakiand his colleagues at Nagoya University created the first p-type gallium nitride by incorporating tiny amounts of magnesium.20世纪80年代后叶Akasaki和他的同事们在名古屋大学通过添加少许镁制造出首例p型氮化镓。 I.Akasaki, H. Amano, M. Kito, K. Hiramatsu , “Photoluminescence of Mg-doped p-type GaN and electroluminescence of GaN p-n junction LED” , Journal of Luminescence, 1991王宏嘉,“结合时间解析电激发光显微术暨雷射切割-观测大尺寸LED电性”,国立中山大学光电工程研究所硕士论文,2006 |