

单词 unceremoniously
释义 un·cer·e·mo·ni·ous·ly 英ˌʌnˌserə'məʊniəsli美ˌʌnˌserə'moʊniəsli ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁹⁶³³BNC²⁹⁸⁹²iWeb²⁹⁹¹⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

in an unceremonious manner;

he was dismissed unceremoniously

近义词 rudely无礼地hastily匆忙地abruptly突然地brutally残忍地hurriedly匆忙地brusquely唐突地反义词 ceremoniously隆重地

用作副词They carried him down to the beach and dumped himunceremoniouslyin the freezing water.他们把他抬到海滩,随便地把他扔进了冰冷的海水里。 In15 days since Sam Allardyce was unceremoniously sacked, Steve Kean has had to deal with player rebellions, fan rebellions, plus a bit of sniping from his former boss.
大山姆被无情地解雇后15天内,基恩必须处理球员的叛乱,球迷的叛乱,还有他的前老板时不时的阻击。 blog.sina.com.cn

The bosses of both Genentech and ImClone have unceremoniously rejected the offers made by their partners.
“遗传技术研究公司”和艾克隆科技制药双双拒绝了其合伙人提出的收购要求. ecocn

After being unceremoniously discharged, she put her skills to use as a bounty hunter and continued to bring the lawless to justice.
被匆匆撤销军籍后,她凭借自己的才能成为一名赏金猎人,继续伸张正义。 starwarsfans.cn

An unknown Russian is likely to address you unceremoniously‘ man’ and‘ woman’.
一个陌生的俄罗斯人会随便的称呼你为“男人”或者“女人”。 yeeyan

At their convention on May8th they ejected Mr Bennett unceremoniously from participating in the Republican primary on June22nd.
在5月8日举行的大会中,共和党人唐突地把贝内特排除出6月22日举行的共和党初选名单中。 ecocn

But at a meeting on Oct.14, the board unceremoniously dismissed Mr. Woodford, telling him to leave the country.
但是在10月14日召开的会议上,董事会突然宣告解聘伍德福特,并要求他离开日本。 topsage

Even so, Carol Bartz, who was unceremoniously ousted from struggling Yahoo recently and resigned from the tech company's board, remains on Cisco's CSCO board of directors.
最近,风雨飘摇的科技公司雅虎公司毫不客气地辞退了卡罗尔•巴茨,她也辞去了在雅虎公司董事会的职务。 但即便如此,她依然是思科 Cisco董事会成员。 fortunechina

In the election Mr Yushchenko was unceremoniously booted out, gaining just over5% of the vote.
本次选举中尤先科很随意的就出局了,只获得了5%的选票。 ecocn

It earlier quoted the store's owner saying the burglar always cleaned up after himself, but the dolls were dumped unceremoniously in an alleyway behind the store.
早先引用商店老板的话说,这个窃贼在完事之后,总会把现场清理干净,但是,充气娃娃会被随便扔到商店后门的过道上。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, her record company unceremoniously dropped her, but they released a Mandy Moore greatest hits album to squeeze what little money was left to gain from their one-time singing commodity.
尽管如此,唱片公司还是唐突地与她解除了合约,不过为了从这个他们曾经的赚钱机器中榨出最后一点钱,公司又发行了一张曼迪•摩尔最畅销金曲辑。 www.ell.com.cn

Of course, he himself took over in strange circumstances after Didier Deschamps was unceremoniously dumped days after guiding the team back into Serie A.
当然,拉涅利也掉进了一个怪圈,此前在迪迪安。德尚带领球队返回意甲后也曾经历了这一礼仪。 juvefans

So on Wednesday November12th Mr Paulson unceremoniously buried the idea.
因此,11月12日,保尔森先生仓促埋葬了自己的点子。 yeeyan

The wealthy seem to get tangled in the net of their own anxiety by worrying that, at any moment, they might be dropped unceremoniously from the ranks of fashionable society.
出于对自己随时可能被踢出上流社会的担忧,富人们似乎总是忧心忡忡,纠结万分。 yeeyan

They carried him down to the beach and dumped him unceremoniously in the freezing water.
他们把他抬到海滩,随便地把他扔进了冰冷的海水里。 iciba

Those lucky individuals who are merely taken prisoner are unceremoniously herded into holding camps, hemmed in by barbed wire for an indefinite duration.
那些只不过沦为俘虏的幸运的人被随便地赶入有刺铁丝网包围的拘留营不定期地关押起来。 china-b

When my uncle opened the door, three agents from the local committee walked in unceremoniously.
我叔叔一打开门,三个当地的委员会特工就不请自来的走了进来。 yeezhe




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