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词汇 cup
释义 cup. kʌp
abbr.Cupboard 碗橱,碗柜


a small round container with a handle, that you can drink from


a large metal thing like a cup, that you get for winning in a sport

a small open container usually used for drinking; usually has a handle;

he put the cup back in the saucer

the handle of the cup was missing

the quantity a cup will hold;

he drank a cup of coffee

he borrowed a cup of sugar

any cup-shaped concavity;

bees filled the waxen cups with honey

he wore a jock strap with a metal cup

the cup of her bra

a United States liquid unit equal to 8 fluid ouncescup-shaped plant organa punch served in a pitcher instead of a punch bowlthe hole or metal container in the hole on a golf green;

he swore as the ball rimmed the cup and rolled away

put the flag back in the cup

a large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition;

the school kept the cups is a special glass case

form into the shape of a cup;

She cupped her hands

put into a cup;

cup the milk

treat by applying evacuated cups to the patient's skin
cup, glass, mug, tumbler


glass和tumbler一般指玻璃杯,常用于喝冷饮酒、饮料等; cup通常指瓷杯,常用于喝热饮茶、咖啡等; mug指大杯子,可以是瓷的,也可以是玻璃的,常用来喝水或啤酒。cup和mug一般带有柄; tumbler通常是无脚无柄的平底杯; 而glass的形状不限。例如:

Will you accompany me in drinking a glass of wine?你能陪我喝杯酒吗?
Would you care for a cup of coffee?你想喝杯咖啡吗?
Give the child a mug of milk.给孩子一杯奶。
She bought a set of six tumblers.她买了一套六只的平底无脚酒杯。cup,glass,mug





用作名词 n.
动词+~award sb a cup颁发给某人奖杯break a cup打碎杯子bring a cup拿来一个杯子drink a cup喝一杯have a cup喝一杯hold a cup拿着一个杯子kiss the cup饮酒offer sb a cup敬某人一杯overflow a cup溢出杯子pour a cup斟一杯win the cup获得奖杯形容词+~another cup另一个杯子,又一杯bitter cup苦酒,不幸empty cup空杯子full cup满满的一杯graceful cup雅致的杯子parting cup临别一杯酒名词+~china cup瓷杯coffee cup咖啡杯drinking cup水杯paper cup纸杯plastic cup塑料杯prize cup奖杯,优胜杯silver cup银杯tea cup茶杯介词+~be in one's cups喝醉be fond of the cup爱喝酒be addicted to the cup嗜酒~+介词a cup of tea一杯茶
非常记忆c月牙〖编码〗+up在上面〖熟词〗⇒杯子上的月牙是我画在上面的小学英语速记联想记忆:卖掉cap帽子,买了cup杯子近义词 mug脸pit坑one一two二hole洞bowl碗four四shell壳eight八chalice杯glass玻璃prize奖品pan平底锅basin脸盆hundred百forty四十fluid液体teacup茶杯cupful满杯trophy奖品vessel容器furrow犁沟hollow空的trough水槽twenty二十wine葡萄酒stein啤酒杯sixteen十六punch按键goblet高脚杯cannikin小罐tumbler不倒翁transfuse移注depression沮丧wine glass酒杯demitasse黑咖啡jorum大碗型酒杯concavity中央凹陷rhyton古希腊的角状环…beaker无柄的)大口杯…teacupful一满茶杯的量…crater坑(陨石坑、弹坑等…punch bowl盛潘趣酒的大酒杯…loving cup爱杯有两个杯柄以便轮饮…
用作名词(n.The cup hit the wall and broke on impact.那个杯子摔在墙上碰得粉碎。
The cup broke when it fell on the floor.茶杯掉到地上摔碎了。
China cups are apt to break.瓷杯容易打碎。
Pour some tea into my cup, please.请往我的杯子里倒点茶。
Tea is usually served in cups.上茶通常用茶杯。
She set a cup on the table.她把一只杯子放在桌上。
She completed her set of dishes by buying the cups and saucers.她买了茶杯和茶碟,把她的一套茶具配齐了。
He shall drink of the cup.给他喝一口。
We offered them each three cups of barley wine.我们敬了他们每人三杯青稞酒。
Would you drink a cup of milk?喝杯牛奶好吗?
He ordered himself a cup of cocoa.他给自己要了一杯可可茶。
She entered it, asked for a cup of coffee and sat down.她进去,要了一杯咖啡,就坐下了。
I won't object to a cup of tea.我倒想喝杯茶呢。
Have another cup?再来一杯?
Use two cups of flour for the cake.用两杯面粉做蛋糕。
Add two cups of sifted flour to one cup of sugar and mix.把两杯筛过的面粉加一杯糖后拌和。
The golden cup was bestowed upon the winner.金杯授给了获胜者。
He's won several cups for shooting.他曾多次荣获射击比赛的奖杯。
We won the cup for the first time this year.今年我们第一次获得奖杯。
She's been picked to play in the Wightman Cup.她被选出参加怀特曼杯比赛。
We got knocked out of the Cup in the first round.我们在锦标赛的第一轮比赛中就被淘汰了。
Where was the 2006 World Cup held?2006年的世界杯赛在哪儿举行的?
Mr. Black was in his cups when he made his speech.布莱克先生在俱乐部的宴会上醉醺醺的发表了演说。
That's just my cup of tea.那正是我的爱好。
Your cup is full with happiness.你真幸福极了。
Her cup of bitterness was full.她历尽了苦难。Pcupfuln.满杯Peggcupn.蛋杯Pcuppan.一杯茶Peyecupn.洗眼杯Pkingcupn.金凤花Psuction-cup吸杯Pcupcaken.杯形蛋糕Pteacupn.茶杯满茶杯Pwine-cupn.葡萄酒杯Pbuttercupn.毛茛属植物Pcuppingn.杯吸法拔火罐Pcreamcupsn.美国平蕊罂粟Pcupbearern.上酒人斟酒人Pcupboardn.食橱碗柜餐具柜Pimpression-cup印模托盘Pcupping-glass吸疗杯吸罐Pcuppya.杯状的凹的满是小坑的




the Cup意思是“锦标赛”。

用作名词Thiscupis made of stainless steel.这只杯子是不锈钢做的。
Please fill thecupwith water.请把这个杯子装满水。
Would you like acupof tea?你想喝杯茶吗?
Eight horses will race for thecup.将有八匹马参赛争夺奖杯。用作及物动词When we want to hear something more clearly wecupour hands behind our ears.我们想听得更清晰一些时,就把双手弯成杯状放在耳后。
He wouldcuphis chin in the hollow of his hand when he had something on his mind.他有心事时总是把手掌心托住自己的下巴。noun.container for drinking
同义词 bowl,drink,mugbeaker,cannikin,chalice,cupful,demitasse,draught,goblet,grail,potion,stein,taster,teacup,tumbler,vessel
athletic supporternoun support for genitals
jock,jock strap,jockstrap
blue ribbonnoun first place
award,championship,cordon bleu,crown,cup,decoration,first prize,laurels,palms,trophy,victory
blue-ribbonnoun first place
award,championship,cordon bleu,crown,cup,decoration,first prize,laurels,palms,trophy,victory
chalicenoun grail
destinynoun fate
Moirai,afterlife,break,breaks,certainty,circumstance,conclusion,condition,constellation,course of events,cup,design,divine decree,doom,expectation,finality,foreordination,fortune,future,happenstance,hereafter,horoscope,inevitability,intent,intention,karma,kismet,lot,luck,objective,ordinance,portion,predestination,predetermination,prospect,serendipity,the stars,way the ball bounces,way the cookie crumbles,what is written,wheel of fortune,world to come
dippernoun ladle
bucket,cup,pail,scoop,spoon And for this they blame one thing: the football World Cup.
对于这一切,他们怪罪的理由是:足球世界杯。 yeeyan

In that moment you are real, and the cup of tea is real.
那个时刻你是真实存在的,那杯茶是真实存在的。 yeeyan

Not that this means there wasn't a cup.
这并不是意味着没有这样一个杯子。 yeeyan

So how do you calculate your chest and cup measurements?
所以,你如何来测算你的胸围和罩杯大小呢? yeeyan

The biscuits are in the cup. In the base of the cup.
饼干放在了杯子里面,放在了杯子的底座中。 hjenglish




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