

单词 afghani
释义 af·ghan·i 英æfˈgæniː, -ˈgɑːniː美æfˈgæni, -ˈgɑniAHDăf-gănʹē, -gäʹnē 高COCA⁴⁶²⁴⁹BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
the basic unit of money in Afghanistanan Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan; the official language of Afghanistan
of or relating to or characteristic of Afghanistan or its people近义词 Afghan阿富汗的Pashto普什图语的Afghanistani阿富汗人
I passed on an email about giving money for Afghani refugees.我在传一封电子邮件,呼吁大家捐钱帮助阿富汗的难民。 Conservators at the British Museum worked with their Afghani counterparts to restore the carvings— and the exhibition reunites them with other artifacts once thought gone for good.
大英博物馆的管理员和阿富汗的同行们一起工作来修复这些雕刻。这次展览使它们和其它一些曾被认为已经熔化为金子的文物相聚在一起。 yeeyan

During the cover girl search, every day US bombers pour bombs like rain drops onto this mountain. Every day batches of innocent Afghani civilians are blasted to death.
寻访当时,美国轰炸机每日向这片山地倾倒大雨般的炸弹,每天都有成批的阿富汗百姓被冤屈地炸死。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The intense shots of kites swooping and diving through the heights of the Afghani countryside lose none of their luster, and the rest of the film is made for an intimate setting.
那些风筝俯冲和划破阿富汗乡村长空的惊险镜头十分出彩,电影的余下部分制造着一种温馨的氛围。 hxen

The search for the Afghani cover girl and its coverage is not real art, nor is it objective reporting. It is propaganda for an immoral war.
美国《国家地理》对阿富汗封面少女寻找活动和报道,既不是真实的艺术,也不是客观的报道,而是不义战争的宣传。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

“ In Afghani communities, it is impossible to talk direct enemy to enemy. In Afghan tradition, we have totally independent people between two parties, ” said Aminzai.
他说:“在阿富汗的社区,敌人之间是不可能直接谈判的。传统上,我们有完全独立于这两个政治派别的人。” tingroom

An Afghani police officer rests his weapon on a ballot at a polling station in Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Aug.21,2009.
一名阿富汗警官在于在喀布尔,阿富汗,星期五,2009年8月21日他在投票站的选票武器。 cnwest

Currently, the focus is on Pashto, a native Afghani tongue, but NIST has also assessed machine translation systems for Dari—also spoken in Afghanistan— and Iraqi Arabic.
目前项目的注意力集中在普什图语这种阿富汗的当地语言,但是 NIST已经审核了一种用于翻译达里语的系统——这种语言被广泛使用在阿富汗和伊拉克等阿拉伯地区。 yeeyan

Danny overhears the secrets of an international gang of criminals that is planning to smuggle antique coins out of the country inside an Afghani boy's dead body.
丹尼听到一个秘密,有一个国际走私团伙计划用一个死亡的阿富汗男孩尸体装运古钱币,运出这个国家。 hengdian

Each Afghani appearing on the screen is modest, carefully and hesitantly providing leads to the National Geographic search party.
屏幕上的阿富汗人每一个都是谦卑的,小心而迟疑地为《国家地理》搜寻队提供线索。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

I assume that if the rich and influential National Geographic promised a payment in US dollars, then a hungry Afghani would be hard- put to pass up such a chance.
我想天下豪门《国家地理》若是以美元许诺,那么饥饿的阿富汗人不应该放过机会。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

The Afghanistan described in this TV piece contains no corpses killed by a US bomb, and no Afghani utters a word of dissent or takes a stand about the war going on before his eyes.
电视片描述的阿富汗,没有死于美国炸弹的尸体,没有阿富汗人对眼前战争的一句异议或表态。 ebigear

We also call on Afghani media to stop spreading the lies of Islam hating western media by becoming their translators.
我们呼吁阿富汗媒体停止传播谎言,不要成为仇视伊斯兰的西方媒体的传声筒。 tianzhujiao




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