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PKICOCA²⁴¹⁶³⁶BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹² 基本例句 n.公钥基础设施¹⁰⁰ A PKI enables users with no prior contact to authenticate each other by accepting the CA as a trusted third party. PKI使用户能够不用提前联系进行相互身份验证,即可作为受信任的第三方接受 CA。 ibm At about the same time SMTP was defined, PKI was developed. 差不多在定义 SMTP的同时, PKI也发展起来了。 ibm Eliminate the need for the application to understand complex PKI syntax and semantics by providing a simple XML-based protocol for processing key information through the XKMS service. 提供一种基于 XML的简单协议,以便通过 XKMS服务处理密钥信息,使应用程序不必理解复杂的 PKI语法和语义。 ibm It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the concepts of PKI and SSL in particular. 假设读者熟悉 PKI和 SSL的概念。 ibm The criteria can be different for each PKI, but once the CSR is approved, the CA fulfils the request by issuing a certificate. 对于每个 PKI,标准可能各不相同,但在批准 CSR之后, CA将通过颁发证书来完成请求。 ibm All the XML code points to this vendor's servers to provide information, sort of like a non- public PKI infrastructure. 所有 XML程式码都指向该供应商的伺服器以提供讯息,这有点像非公用的 PKI基础结构。 ibm Another would be to share a PKI private key among the service providers. 另一种解决方案是在服务提供者之间共享 PKI私钥。 ibm Because the sender's private key is used for signing integrity and non- repudiation, we don't have to change the way we use PKI for that component of the security. 由于发送方的私钥用于签名确保完整性和不可否认性,因此我们需要更改我们对安全组件使用 PKI的方式。 ibm Confidentiality is somewhat tricky in the asynchronous scenario, because the PKI techniques used in a one-to-one interaction between a client and service provider can't be applied. 保密性在异步场景中有些麻烦,因为不能应用 PKI技术中使用的客户端和服务提供者之间的一对一交互。 ibm Create an abstract layer between the application and the PKI solution. 在应用程序与 PKI解决方案之间创建一个抽象层。 ibm Get a copy of a GSS- API offering that supports SPKM or LIPKEY mechanisms or both and set up the required PKI environment. 获得一份支持 SPKM或 LIPKEY机制或同时支持两者的 GSS- API产品的副本,并设置所需的 PKI环境。 ibm How is the asymmetric algorithm type used in PKI? 如何在 PKI中使用非对称算法类型? ibm In the case of a PKI public and private key pair, there is a mathematical relationship between the keys in question. 对于 PKI公共和私有密匙,它们之间存在一个数学关系式。 ibm In this article, I have objectively defined security and its basic technologies, namely XML canonicalization and the PKI infrastructure, which play an important role in making XML interchange secure. 本文中,我客观地定义了安全性及其基本技术,即 XML规范化和 PKI基础设施,在实现 XML的安全交换中发挥着重要的作用。 ibm It's a game played by children, but it's also a serious attack that can occur on public key infrastructures PKI. 虽然这是孩子们玩的一个游戏,但却也是在公钥基础设施 PKI上可能发生的一种很严重的攻击。 ibm Keys are a critical element of PKI. 密钥是 PKI中至关重要的部分。 ibm New credentials in the underlying PKI are generated using this operation. 可以使用该操作生成底层 PKI中的新凭证。 ibm Notice that the client is not required to have any X.509 certificate, but may need to have a PKI environment in order to validate the server's X.509 certificate. 注意,客户机不需要具有任何 X.509证书,但是可能需要具有 PKI环境,以确认服务器的 X.509证书。 ibm One of the more common security systems used is PKI Public Key Infrastructure, an encryption used for PDA and smart- phone security. 使用的更公用安全性系统之一是 PKI公用密钥基础,一种用于 PDA和智能电话安全性的加密技术。 ibm The link between the ESB and provider services may be secured by network architecture, by ESB credentials or by encryption using PKI. ESB和提供者服务之间的链路可能由网络体系结构、 ESB凭据或使用 PKI的加密进行保护。 ibm The LTPA token is easy to configure compared to a full Public Key Infrastructure PKI. 与完整的公钥基础结构 PKI相比, LTPA令牌比较容易配置。 ibm The trusted third party hosts the XKMS service while providing a PKI interface to the client applications. 这个受信任的第三方在提供一个到客户机应用程序的 PKI接口的同时驻留了 XKMS服务。 ibm This allows the application to plug in different PKI solutions based on the need, without requiring any modification of the application itself. 这样就允许应用程序根据需要插入不同的 PKI解决方案,而不需要对应用程序本身作任何修改。 ibm This is a basis for PKI-based digital signatures. 这是基于 PKI的数字签名的基础。 ibm This may include techniques such as PKI using smart cards, secure tokens, biometrics, or a combination of efforts. 其中可能用到如使用公钥 PKI,Public Key Architecture的智能卡,安全令牌,生物检测或多合一的技术手段。 yeeyan Thus far in this series on XML security, I have defined what security means, and discussed XML canonicalization, PKI infrastructure, XML encryption, and XML signature. 随着这个 XML安全专题深入到这里,我已经定义了安全的含义,并讨论了 XML规范化、 PKI基础设施、 XML加密和 XML签名。 ibm We'll use PKI keys and certificates at two levels. 我们将在两个级别中使用 PKI密钥和证书。 ibm While there is no lifespan for the key binding information used by XKMS, the credentials issued by the underlying PKI occasionally do have a time span that must be renewed periodically. 虽然 XKMS使用的密钥绑定信息没有寿命,但是底层 PKI颁发的凭证偶尔也会有这么一段时间,过了这段时间之后就要周期性地更新。 ibm PKI is entrusted with managing everything related to the creation, manipulation, and management of these keys. PKI受委托管理与这些密钥的创建、处理和管理有关的一切事情。 ibm |