

单词 affords
释义 af·ford·s 英ə'fɔːd美ə'fɔːrd COCA²¹⁹³⁸BNC¹⁹⁹²⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. 买得起,花得起,经得起

be able to buy or pay for, be rich enough to buy, have enough to spare

vt. 提供,供给

provide; give

be able to spare or give up;

I can't afford to spend two hours with this person

be the cause or source of;

He gave me a lot of trouble

Our meeting afforded much interesting information

have the financial means to do something or buy something;

We can't afford to send our children to college

Can you afford this car?

afford access to;

the door opens to the patio

The French doors give onto a terrace


❌ Motor-cars are so expensive that can be afforded only by the very rich.

✔️ Motor-cars are so expensive that only the very rich can afford to buy them.



❌ My father couldn't afford himself to lend me any money.

✔️ My father couldn't afford to lend me any money.



❌ He couldn't afford going away on a holiday.

✔️ He couldn't afford to go away on a holiday.


afford, give, provide, supply


1.afford指为一定的目的而“给”“提供”所需要的东西; give指无需偿还地把金钱、物品、时间、麻烦等有形或无形的东西“送给”“授予”“供给”某人; provide主要指为某人、某物或某事“提供”“供应”某物品,尤指生活必需品; supply指用物“供给”“供应”或“提供”给国家、群众、工厂、城市、市场等,以部队为对象时,往往只供给生活必需品,而不指武器。例如:

Some trees afford resin. 有些树产树脂。

I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。
Now we supply power to nine-tenths of the city's homes.现在我们向这个城市十分之九的家庭提供电力。

2.afford后面可跟不定式或动名词,还常用在can, could, be able to后面表示“担负得起”某事物的费用、损失、后果等,以及“抽得出”时间、人力,其后可接双宾语,意思是“向某人提供某物”; provide后面可接for, with和against等介词; supply后可接介词to。例如:

Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.我们的园子为我们提供新鲜蔬菜。
More and more vegetables and fruit are supplied to the army.越来越多的蔬菜和水果供应部队。
The programme aims to provide self-sufficiency for local needs.这项计划旨在使当地需要得以自足。afford, give


I should like to give him a chance.我想给他一个机会。
It afforded me an opportunity.这给了我一个机会。afford, buyafford和buy都有“买”的意思,但afford侧重“有无经济能力买”,而buy则侧重“购买的行为”,表示“我买不起”可以说I can't afford,但不可说I can't buy.因为后者的意思是“即使有钱也不准买”。另外, buy常可用在afford后作宾语。直接源自古英语的geforian,意为前进,继续。
用作动词 v.
~+名词afford a fine view呈现出好风景afford a pleasant shade提供阴凉地方afford clothing买得起衣服afford much information提供许多信息afford rice产米afford the time能抽出时间afford sb a good profit使某人得到厚利afford sb a shelter from the rain使某人有避雨的地方afford sb great pleasure使某人感到很快乐afford sb great satisfaction使某人感到很满意副词+~hardly afford几乎买不起ill afford承担不起never afford从未负担得起only afford仅买得起~+副词afford scarcely几乎买不起afford well完全负担得起afford abundantly完全负担得起afford financially经济上负担得起afford undoubtedly毫无疑问买得起
近义词 buygiveprovide反义词 have no financial means for
S+~+ n./pron.I cannot afford these goods.我买不起这些货。
She cannot afford a new dress.她没钱买新衣裳。
The parents could hardly afford a private teacher for their child.父母很难给孩子请得起一位家庭教师。
I cannot afford the trip to New York, because the travelling expenses would amount to at least $3000 if I went.到纽约旅行我去不起,因为我如果去的话,这趟旅费至少也得要三千美元。
I'm so poor that I can't afford it.我太穷了,买不起它。
Can you afford £1500 for a house?你拿得出1500英镑买一幢房子吗?
We can afford the TV set if we save our money.如果我们能积攒下钱就可买下那台电视。
She can well afford a new car.她完全买得起一辆新车。
At last we were able to afford a piano.我们终于能买得起一架钢琴了。
I can't afford the time for the film this evening.我今天晚上抽不出时间看电影。
I can't afford the time for it.这时间我可能花不起。
I can't afford the time and money for a long journey.我没有时间和金钱作长途旅行。
We can't afford a holiday this summer.今年夏天我们抽不出时间度假。
They couldn't afford any more setbacks.他们再也经不起挫折了。
This stretch of land affords cotton.这片地出产棉花。
Reading affords pleasure.读书给人以快乐。S+~+to- vI can't afford to buy this flat.我买不起这套公寓。
I can't afford to buy such an expensive watch.这样名贵的表我可买不起。
I think you can afford to buy a refrigerator.我想你是买得起电冰箱的。
The boy cannot afford to pay his school fees.那男孩付不起学费。
We can't afford to pay such a price.我们付不起这么高的价钱。
She can't afford to pay for such expensive books.那么贵的书她买不起。
Can you afford to lend me some money?你能借给我一些钱吗?
We can hardly afford to wait for another hour.我们几乎不能再等一个小时了。
Having finished the task, he could afford to relax a bit.任务完成以后,他可以休息一下。
He can't afford to offend his boss.他可得罪不起老板。
I can't afford to meet your demand.我不能满足你的要求。
The family could not afford to send her to college.家里无力送她上大学。
She can't afford to miss another day at school.她再也不能缺一天课。
He could hardly afford to support his family, could he?他几乎不能养活他的一家,是吗?
I cannot afford to have you idle.我不能让你闲着什么也不做。
I can't afford to be out of work long.长期失业,我吃不消。
We can ill afford to lose this contract.我们承受不起失去这份合约所带来的损失。
He couldn't afford to lose any more.他再也输不起了。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.Tomorrow's meeting will afford us the opportunity of discussing some important questions.明天的会议将给我们提供讨论重要问题的机会。
Do the laws of his country afford him a remedy?他那个国家的法律是否能让他得到赔偿?
The conference will afford you an opportunity to meet many foreign scholars.这次会议将给你提供结识许多外国学者的机会。
His son's success afforded him great pleasure.他儿子的成功使他非常高兴。
Reading this story will afford you much pleasure.读这个故事会使你得到很大乐趣。
It will afford us great pleasure to have a business talk with you.和你共谈业务将给我们带来无限喜悦。
You will be afforded an opportunity.你将会有一次机会。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.This trip has afforded great satisfaction to me.这次旅行使我很满意。
Valuable facilities would be afforded to them.将给他们提供各种重要的设施。

afford的基本含义是“充足”,指“有足够的钱买某物”“有足够的财力或时间做某事”,也可以表示“经受得起”; 引申可表示“提供”“给予”。

afford表示“有足够的钱买某物”时, afford可以接物作宾语,也可以接“to buy sth ”作宾语,前者可看作是省略to buy的句型,前者较后者更常用些。

afford表示“有足够的财力或时间做某事”。afford的宾语可以是time一般不省略,也可以是expense,还可以是time and money,但一般不单独用money。



afford多用于疑问句或否定句,常与can, could, be able to等连用。用于否定句时,意思是“经不起发生某事或做某事”,含尽力“避免发生”或“避免做”的意味。



It affords me great satisfaction to be able to help him.能帮助他给了我很大的满足感。

can afford to …指“负担得起”,“做得到”,“忍得住”。He can afford to keep a motorcar.他负担得起备有一辆汽车。She can hardly afford to wait for another hour.她几乎做不到再多等一小时了。

I did not think I could afford to lose my post.我想我不能忍受得了失去这个职位。
用作动词Only the well-to-do canaffordthese houses.只有富人能买得起这些房子。
I can'tafforda holiday this summer.今年夏天我无法度假。
We canaffordto overlook minor offences.我们可以不计较小过。
We can'taffordto pay such a price.我们付不起这个价钱。
They could illaffordto lose any more staff.他们再也不能损失员工了。
We cannotaffordto ignore this warning.我们对这个警告绝不能等闲视之。
These treesafforda pleasant shade.这些树提供了荫凉。verb.able to have or do;within financial means
同义词 allow,managebear,incur,spare,stand,support,sustainbe able to,be disposed to,have enough for,have the means for
反义词 refuse,rejecttake awayverb.give, produce
同义词 provide,grant,offerrender,supply,yield,bestow,impart,furnish
反义词 take awaytake,hide,conceal,refuse,deny And herein lies veganism's appeal to moguls: It affords them the opportunity to control their own health with the same manic id with which they control everything else.
素食主义对巨头们的吸引力在于:他们拥有疯狂的控制欲,他们希望掌控一切,而素食主义让他们掌控自己的健康。 yeeyan

The responsibility of the regulators in this regard is to set out a framework which affords investors the same degree of protection regardless of their choice of the intermediary.
监管机构在这方面的责任,就是制定适当的架构,使投资者不论选用哪类中介人均会获得同等程度的保障。 kuenglish

“ As the online shopping experience affords readers a wealth of information, the store experience needs to be special, ” she says.
“随着在线购买图书给读者带来了大量信息,书店的经验一定要特别,”她说。 yeeyan

As it does with x-rays, Earth's atmosphere absorbs a lot of infrared radiation, so a telescope in space affords astronomers a much clearer view of the universe.
在太空中,由于没有大气层对红外线的吸收作用,斯皮策望远镜可以更清晰地观察宇宙。 yeeyan

Bankruptcy affords the debtor in possession a number of mechanisms to restructure its business.
破产法为持产负债人提供很多机制来重组他们的企业。 blog.sina.com.cn

Despite China’s capital controls, the offshore market also affords its firms an alternative source of borrowing.
尽管中国进行资本控制,境外市场也提供企业另一种贷款的的方法。 yeeyan

He didn't speak much, but what he said affords much food for reflection.

History affords us lessons that merit attention.

It's a huge market which affords the opportunity for Ford to have a life long relationship with these buyers.
这个市场非常巨大,给福特提供了与这些买家建立起长期关系的可能性。 tingroom

Jumping out of an airplane affords great odds of survival.
跳出飞机能提供生存的巨大机会。 bullock

Music affords me pleasure.

Still, we rarely leverage the flexibility that this type of architecture affords us.
不过,我们仍然很少充分利用这种体系结构类型所带来的灵活性。 ibm

That affords ample time for Congressional action.
从这点来说,还有充足的时间留给国会来行动。 ecocn

The extra convenience that self- service affords can also bring in new customers.
自助服务的额外好处是他能吸引新客户。 ecocn

The radar affords the helicopter long- range search, imaging, and tracking capabilities for surface vessels and includes an advanced periscope detection mode.
该雷达可为直升机提供远程水面舰艇的搜索、成像、跟踪能力,包括先进的潜望镜检测模式。 www.etiri.com.cn

The site affords a magnificent view of Mt.
该网站提供了一次山的壮丽景色。 dndci.com

There are a number of benefits this integration affords that are worth pointing out.
二者之间的集成有很多值得提及的好处。 infoq

William Martel, an associate professor of international security studies at Tufts University, says the president's announcement affords the opportunity for some collective soul searching.
William Martel是塔夫斯大学的国际安全研究的助理教授,他表示奥巴马总统的决定向美国人民提供了一个集体反思过去十年的机会。 yeeyan

You will export such articles as the country affords, purely native products, much ice and pine timber and a little granite, always in native bottoms.
你可以把本国出品,纯粹的土产输出,许多的冰、松木和一点儿花岗石,都是本土本乡的地道产品。 bokee




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