

单词 comparable
释义 com·pa·ra·ble 英ˈkɒmpərəbəl美ˈkɑmpərəbəlAHDkŏmʹpər-ə-bəl ★★☆☆☆高四六研IMST6八COCA⁶²²⁹BNC³⁹²⁹iWeb⁵⁰⁶¹Economist⁵⁷⁵²




deserving to be compared

able to be compared or worthy of comparisonconforming in every respect;

boxes with corresponding dimensions

the like period of the preceding year

comparable, alike, parallel, similar


similar和alike指整体或某部分相似,用法一样,可互换。但alike暗示的相似程度比similar稍高; comparable指可以放在一起并提或检查的相似物或人; parallel则用在实际上或表面上相似的事物或用于表示其在发展、结构、历史、操作、趋势等方面极其相似。例如:

These two buildings are similar〔alike〕 in size and shape.这两座建筑物的大小和形状相似。
The two cousins are alike in age, but otherwise as different as day and night.这对表兄弟年龄相仿而在其他方面却大相径庭。
The music of Berlin is scarcely comparable to that of Beethoven.柏林的音乐与贝多芬的作品不可同日而语。
Can you name any parallel passages in the composer's first and second symphonies?你能指出作曲家第一、第二交响曲中相似的乐段吗?alike,like,similar,comparable,parallel,uniform,identical









词根词缀: com-共同 + -par-相等 + -able形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
副词+~remotely comparable相去甚远~+介词comparable to比得上comparable with可相比较
compar-e比较+able形容词,可…的,能…的⇒comparable adj.可比较的词根记忆com共同+par平等+ able →都是平等的→可比较的词根记忆com共同+par平等+able→都是平等的→可比较的非常记忆compare对比+able能⇒对比一下谁能比得上蒋争熟词记忆compare比较-able可…的⇒可比较的近义词 alikeequalsimilarparallel反义词 incomparable无比的
~+ n.A comparable car would cost far more abroad .类似的车在国外价值高得多。n. +~No horse has a speed comparable to that of his.没有一匹马的速度比得上他的马。
S+be+~The achievements of a singer and an athlete are not comparable.歌手的成就与运动员的成就不能相比。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseA bird's wings are comparable to a fish's fins.鸟的翅膀可与鱼的鳍相提并论。
A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat.火和太阳相似,两者均可放出光和热。
Our house is not comparable with yours.我们的房子和你们的房子没法比。Pincomparablea.无比的不能比较的



用作形容词The achievements of an athlete and a writer are notcomparable.运动员的成就与作家的成就不能相提并论。
The sets of figures are notcomparable.这几组数字是不可比的。
Your achievements arecomparablewith his.你的成绩可与他的相媲美。
His handwriting is not bad, but it's hardlycomparablewith yours.他的书法不错,但是很难和你的相比。
Your achievements arecomparablewith the best.你们的成就可比得上最好的。
No horse has a speedcomparableto that of his.没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
No one can becomparableto him.无人能比得上他。adj.worthy of comparison
同义词 commensurate,equal,proportionate,tantamounta match for,as good as,commensurable,equipollent,equipotential,equivalent,in a class with,on a par
反义词 differentdissimilar,incomparable,unalike,unequal,unlike,unworthyadj.corresponding, similar
同义词 akin,analogous,corresponding,relatedagnate,alike,cognate,consonant,like,parallel,relative,undifferenced,uniform
反义词 alien,disconnected,dissimilar,unlike,unrelatedincomparable,unalike,unequal,unworthy
akinadjective related or connected
alikeadjective similar
Xerox,akin,allied,analogous,approximate,associated,carbon copy,cognate,comparable,concurrent,correspondent,corresponding,dead ringer,ditto,double,duplicate,equal,equivalent,even,facsimile,identical,indistinguishable,kindred,like,look-alike,matched,matching,mated,parallel,proportionate,related,resembling,same,same difference,similar,spitting image,undifferentiated,uniform
analogousadjective agreeing, similar
approximateadjective similar
alike,analogous,close,comparable,like,matching,near,relative,resembling,verging on
cognateadjective alike, associated
commensurableadjective proportional
appropriate,commensurate,comparable,consistent,fitting,in proportion,proportionate,suitable Briefly, however, I point out that China is arguably less protective of its industries than Britain and the United States were at comparable stages of development.
然而,总地来说,我得指出从与英国和美国在可比较的发展阶段来看,中国对于起工业的保护药稍逊一筹。 yeeyan

The charts, however, don’t include these sites since we don’t have comparable visitor numbers for them.
但是由于我们无法获得这些网站可供比较的访问量,所以图表中并未将他们包括在内。 yeeyan

The data on unemployment were too spotty to be comparable and so this important factor is discounted too.
失业这样重要的因素也要被忽略掉,因为数据质量参差不齐,不具可比性。 blog.sina.com.cn

The government plans to standardise wind power tariffs by region, so that areas with similar wind resources would be granted comparable rates.
政府计划按地区对风力发电的电价进行标准化,以便风力资源类似的地区会准予类似可比的电价。 yeeyan

“ So while substantial uncertainty remains, clinical severity appears less than that seen in 1918, but comparable with that seen in 1957,” says the journal report.
“因此,虽然还存在着大量的不确定性,临床的严重度似乎还低于1918年,但比得上1957了。”期刊报道说。 yeeyan

A veteran of developing markets in scores of countries, he says the only comparable growth potential he has seen has been in the Persian Gulf oil states.
他是一名在数十个国家发展市场的高手,他说只有在波斯湾的石油国家中见到过拥有可以和蒙古相媲美的发展潜力。 yeeyan

After a bottle of slow aging, not just mature wines of any durable young wine can be comparable to the phase.
一瓶历经缓慢陈年,刚好成熟的耐久佳酿绝不是任何年轻的葡萄酒可以相比得上的。 yeeyan

Before drawing distinctions between human and chimpanzee motivation, she would like to see exactly comparable studies, requiring humans to collaborate over food, rather than games.
在绘制人类和黑猩猩间的动机差异前,她更想看到完全可比的研究,这需要人类在食物上的合作,而非游戏中。 yeeyan

But it worked, and we have no example of anything that has worked better in comparable circumstances to those we might well face in the Asian Century.
但它确实有作用,在我们今后很可能于“亚洲世纪”中所面对的相仿境况下,没有一个比这更为行之有效的实例。 ecocn

But those are all comparable in the starting and final states.

But UNDP officials said the figures were not fully comparable due to changes in calculation methods this year.
但联合国开发计划署的官员表示,由于计算方法与去年不同,榜单并不完全可比。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Degrees and titles are now far more comparable.
现在,学位和头衔更有可比性。 ecocn

I don't know why, as we eat shrimps, which are very comparable.
我不知道为什么,就像我们吃基围虾,两者是有可比性的。 yeeyan

In fact, they both offer comparable features.
事实上,他们都提供了可比较的特性。 ibm

Measuring the state of early child development with a comparable approach throughout the world will provide a way for societies to judge their success.
在世界范围内以一种可比较的方法来衡量儿童早期发育的状况,是各国社会评价成功状况的一种途径。 who

Only at the beginning of the universe, in the Big Bang, was there an environment where the forces must have been comparable in strength.
只有在宇宙的开始阶段,也就是在大爆炸时期,才存在那种极端环境使得两种相互作用有差不多可比拟的强度. yeeyan

Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers.
只管醉心于你个人的愿望,不要担心你的愿望是否比得上同事的愿望。 yeeyan

The huge gap between the best and worst producers in roughly comparable farming areas shows the scope for improvements.
在大致可以比较的农业地区,最好和最差生产者之间巨大的差异表明了有改善的余地。 ecocn

This is the largest such deficit since comparable records began in1998.
这是自1998年以来可比数据中逆差最大的一次。 ecocn

Your achievements are comparable with his.
你的成绩可与他的相媲美。 hjenglish




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