

单词 commodore
释义 com·mo·dore 英ˈkɒməˌdɔː, -ˌdəʊr美ˈkɑməˌdɔr, -ˌdorAHDkŏmʹə-dôr', -dōr' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶³⁹⁷⁷BNC¹⁹³³⁰iWeb¹³⁰⁶²
a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral来自commander,将军。Air Commodore准将

The convoycommodoresees to the internal management of the convoy.舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。 The peace process, says Commodore Uday Bhaskar, of the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in Delhi, is “becoming blast-proof”.
德里的防务分析研究所海军准将巴哈克 Uday Bhaskar乐观地表示:“和平进程已经穿上了防弹衣。” ecocn

Fiji expelled the Australian and New Zealand high commissioners after Commodore Frank Bainimarama, the islands' military ruler, accused the two countries of interfering in Fiji's internal affairs.
在斐济军事领袖海军准将弗兰克-姆拜尼马拉马指控澳大利亚和新西兰干涉斐济内政后,斐济政府将该两国的高级指挥官驱逐出境。 ecocn

For most of my generation, myself included, the Commodore64 was the first computer they ever owned or used.
对于我们这一代人的大多数来说,克门多尔64是我们所拥有和使用的第一台计算机。 ausir.blog.ipart.cn

In a television address, Commodore Bainimarama, who doubles as prime minister, responded by condemning the Tongan navy’s role in extracting Mr Mara from Fiji’s territorial waters.
在一个电视讲话中,兼任政府首相的姆拜尼马拉马准将作出回应,他谴责汤加海军进入斐济领海水域将马拉接走。 ecocn

Mr Mara’s flight from Fiji is a further sign of the growing breach between Commodore Bainimarama and the Mara dynasty.
乌路拉克巴•马拉从斐济逃亡事件是姆拜尼马拉马将军与马拉家族的矛盾不断升级的又一个信号。 ecocn

Now at liberty in the Tongan capital, Nuku’alofa, Mr Mara denounces what he says is the baneful control over Commodore Bainimarama’s government exerted by the attorney-general, Aiyaz Sayed- Khaiyum.
现在,玛拉在汤加首都努库阿洛法重获自由。他公开指责总检察长艾亚兹•萨义德•海尤姆 Aiyaz Sayed- Khaiyum对姆拜尼马拉马准将的政府施加了有害的影响。 ecocn

Radio Shack and Commodore Business Machines also introduced PCs that year.
无线电室和科莫多尔商业机器公司也在同年推出了个人计算机。 tdict

The first porting work targeted Motorola 680x0 chips, specifically the Commodore Amiga.
第一个移植工作的目标是 Motorola680x0芯片,明确地说,就是 Commodore Amiga。 ibm

The last named version of Delphi on the roadmap is Commodore.
路线图上 Delphi最后的版本名称为 Commodore。 infoq

The Commodore PET, complete with keyboard and monitor, debuted in early1977.
键盘和显示器齐备的 Commodore PET于1977年年初首次亮相。 yeeyan

The15-year-old took the Commodore, his mother's car, without their parents' knowledge, the24-year-old said.
在15岁了没有父母的知识准将,他母亲的汽车,24岁的老人说。 austepsonline

The Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission.
空军准将向轰炸机机钻下达状行危险任务的各项指示。 sosolian.com

They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.
它们经过了湖,飞向美港,好像怕我的灯光,它们的指挥官用规律化的节奏叫个不停。 blog.sina.com.cn

Though some claim that the president is plucking up courage to remove the prime minister, Commodore Bainimarama is more likely eventually to usurp the position of the president.
虽然有些谣传说总统正在鼓起勇气要撤换总理,但姆拜尼马拉马准将最终篡夺总统宝座的可能性似乎更大一些。 ecocn

Commodore Robert Stockton had invaded California and had raised the American flag over the territory.
罗伯特.斯托克顿将军率领海军已经入侵加利福尼亚,并在这一地区升起了美国的国旗。 yeeyan




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