

单词 probably
释义 prob·a·bly 英ˈprɒbəbliː美ˈprɑbəbliAHDprŏbʹə-blē ★★★★★小初中高四六牛4COCA⁴⁴¹BNC²⁸⁵iWeb⁴²⁶Economist⁴³³


almost but not quite certainly; according to what is likely

with considerable certainty; without much doubt;

He is probably out of the country

in all likelihood we are headed for war

easy to believe on the basis of available evidence;

he talked plausibly before the committee

he will probably win the election

probably, maybe, perhaps, possibly


1.probably指“多半”,其可能性超过一半; perhaps和maybe指“或许”,其可能性大致为一半; possibly仅指“也许”“有可能”,其可能性低于一半。例如:

Probably he will succeed.他很可能会成功。
Perhaps〔maybe〕 he will succeed.他也许会成功。
He will possibly succeed.他有可能成功。

2.maybe比perhaps更口语化,且要用于句首; perhaps可用于句末、句中、句首; probably多用于句中。


Maybe you could move the chair.也许你可以挪动一下那张椅子。

Could you possibly lend me 1000 yuan ?你能借给我1000元钱吗?







词根词缀: -prob-证实,批准 + -able形容词词尾e略 + -ly副词词尾l略
用作副词 adv.
动词+~abandon probably可能放弃absorb probably适当地吸收enable probably大概能做到face probably适当地面对fall probably可能要垮台lack probably可能缺乏
非常记忆pro飘柔+bab爸爸+ly理由⇒飘柔很可能是爸爸每天洗头的理由probable很可能的+ly副词后缀⇒很可能。词根记忆probable可能的近义词 likelyperhapspossibly反义词 improbably
He'll probably find himself in pocket in a good year.年头好时,他会发现自己赚钱。
I shall probably oversleep as I am not used to getting up so early.我很可能睡过头,因为我不习惯早起。
We will probably leave on Sunday.我们很可能星期天离开。
He can probably tell us all the details we want.他或许会把我们想要知道的细节全告诉我们。
Though he is by no means considered to be a great man, his name will probably remain glorious, for the greatest building was named after him.虽然他不被认为是伟人,但他的名字却很可能不会被忘记,因为那座宏伟的建筑是以他的名字命名的。
This photograph won't probably enlarge well.这张照片放大出来很可能效果不好。
I'll probably telephone you this evening.我今晚可能打电话给你。
Last year we supplied the market with 1500 ducks; today the number will probably double.去年我们供应市场1500只鸭子,今年可能会增加一倍。
Next year I shall probably be looking for a job.明年我很可能找份工作。
There will probably be many people after the job but even so I'd still apply for it if I were you.也许会有许多人想得到这份工作,但即便如此,如果我是你的话,我仍然会申请的。
That book has been out of print for some years now, but there are probably a few copies knocking about in secondhand bookshops.那部书已经绝版几年了,不过旧书店里可能还会有几本。
Probably we'll be in this bus.我们很可能乘这辆公共汽车。
Probably you expect to live many years.你或许想长寿。
Probably he will refuse the offer.他可能拒绝这个建议。
If you have already had the disease, probably you won't catch it again.如果你得了这种病,或许不会再传染上了。
The company could pack up and be under way in probably less than an hour.这个连可以不到一小时就收拾好东西上路。
He works probably harder than his brother.他工作可能比他弟弟努力。
He went out probably by the back door.他可能从后门走了。
He has been sick probably since he drank such dirty water.他有可能病了,因为他喝了很多脏水。
“Can he hear us?”“Probably not.”“他能听见我们说话吗?”“大概听不见。”


probably主要修饰谓语动词,在句子里如果有一个助动词和一个主要动词, probably应紧跟在助动词之后; 如果有两个以上助动词, probably放在第一个助动词之后。句子里如果没有助动词, probably通常放在动词之前。如果主要动词是be, probably应紧跟在be之后。probably有时还可放在句首。



用作副词I'll beprobablyfree then.那时我大概就有空了。
That hotelprobablycosts no less than 20 dollars a night.那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。
He canprobablytell us all the details we want.他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。
This plan wouldprobablyhave some efficacy.这计划也许会有些效力。
He willprobablyrefuse the offer.他很可能会拒绝这一提议。adv.likely to happen
同义词 apparently,doubtless,no doubt,perhaps,possibly,presumably,seeminglybelievably,plausiblyas likely as not,as the case may be,assumably,dollars to doughnuts,expediently,feasibly,imaginably,in all likelihood,in all probability,like enough,maybe,most likely,one can assume,perchance,practicably,presumptively,reasonably,to all appearances
反义词 improbably,uncertain,unlikely
apparentlyadverb seemingly
allegedly,as if,as though,at a glance,at first sight,in all likelihood,intuitively,it appears that,it seems that,most likely,on the face of it,ostensibly,outwardly,plausibly,possibly,professedly,reasonably,reputably,speciously,superficially,supposedly,tangibly,to all appearances
as thoughadverb seemingly
contingentadjective conditional;possible
accidental,casual,chance,controlled by,dependent,fluky,fortuitous,haphazard,incidental,likely,odd,probable,probably,random,subject to,unanticipated,uncertain,unexpected,unforeseeable,unforeseen,unpredictable
credibleadjective believable
aboveboard,colorable,conceivable,conclusive,creditable,dependable,determinative,good-faith,honest,honest-to-God,honest-to-goodness,imaginable,likely,plausible,possible,probable,probably,rational,reasonable,reliable,satisfactory,satisfying,seeming,sincere,solid,sound,straight,supposable,tenable,thinkable,trustworthy,trusty,up front,valid
doubtlessadverb certainly;most likely
absolutely,apparently,assuredly,clearly,easily,for sure,indisputably,no ifs ands or buts,of course,ostensibly,positively,precisely,presumably,probably,seemingly,supposedly,surely,truly,undoubtedly,unequivocally,unquestionably,without doubt
doubtlesslyadverb absolutely
certainly,doubtless,indubitably,positively,presumably,probably,surely,undoubtedly,unquestionably The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.

The liquidity premium should rise and our return on assets will probably go up.
流动性溢价将上升,很可能会带动我们的资产收益率上升。 ecocn

“ God probably did it because he kicked me this morning with that shoe, ” my daughter interjected.
“大概是上帝干的,谁让他今天早晨用那双鞋踢我来的,”我女儿插话道。 yeeyan

Both of us have probably programmed in more than those number of languages, at least programmed that many, since we taught in those languages.

But, you probably still have dreams!
然而,你大概仍怀有梦想! manfen

But, probably not.
但不可能。 yeeyan

But if this is all the manager does, the project will probably fail.
但是,如果所有的管理人员都这样做,那么项目将很可能失败。 ibm

He laughs, at me and with me, probably.
他大笑,对我笑,和我一起笑,也许吧。 yeeyan

If you’re not finding much about it, it’s probably not worth that much.
如果你没有发现很多有关的信息,那它的价值也许不会很高。 yeeyan

If you do own a website you probably wondered about the value of it.
如果你拥有一家网站,那么你或许想知道它的价值究竟有多少。 yeeyan

If you don t understand this, then don t worry because if you think you understand it, then you have probably misunderstood.
如果你不理解这一点,那么也不要担心,因为如果你认为你理解它,那么你有误解的可能。 yeeyan

One of them wants to quit, and they probably should.
其中一位想要戒,他们或许应该这样做。 kekenet

Some probably do, but most are like you and me.
有些也许是这样的,但是大多数人就像我和你。 yeeyan

That photograph probably won't enlarge well.

The plane would probably disintegrate at that high speed.

The policemen concluded that the same bandit probably had pulled all three holdups.

They certainly like us; we probably have no greater admirers in the insect world.
他们当然喜欢我们,在昆虫世界里,人们可能没有一个更大的崇拜者。 yeeyan

Which is probably why at the end of this shopping trip there is not much in the trolley.
也许这正是我在这次购物之旅结束时购物车里没有放入太多商品的原因。 yeeyan

You can probably guess why.
您大概可以猜出原因。 ibm

You have probably heard all of this before.
也许您对此早就有所耳闻。 ibm

You have probably heard of this tactic before.
你以前也可能听说过这个策略。 yeeyan

Probably not, life moved on and so did they.
很可能不会,生活在前行,他们也在前进。 yeeyan

Probably not, no.
不可能。不会的。 yeeyan

Probably not in the foreseeable future.
在可预见的将来大概不能。 ecocn




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