

单词 adventitious
释义 ad·ven·ti·tious 英ˌædvenˈtɪʃəs, -vən-美ˌædvɛnˈtɪʃəs, -vən-AHDăd'vĕn-tĭshʹəs, -vən- 高四GST宝COCA⁹⁷⁴¹⁶BNC⁵⁸⁷¹⁷iWeb⁴⁴⁴⁰⁰

associated by chance and not an integral part;

poetry is something to which words are the accidental, not by any means the essential form

they had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character

发音释义:,ædvɛn'tɪʃəs adj. 外来的,偶然的
结构分析:adventitious = advent来+itious形容词后缀→从外面来的→外来的,偶然的adventitious variation不定变异adventitious deposit附着壳质,附着沉积…adventitious albuminuria医 偶发性蛋白尿…adventitious lobe偶生叶adventitious plant引种植物,偶然产生植…adventitious deafness偶发性聋adventitious cyst假囊肿adventitious coat外膜adventitious sound额外音,附加音…adventitious root不定根adventitious embryo异位胚胎adventitious species侵入种adventitious plants外来植物adventitious virus外来病毒
GRE红宝书源于advent基督降临-偶然的, 这是基督的一个偶然的想法, 他要成为人的样式, 以无罪的身体降临人世, 担当人的罪孽, 完成救赎大功: 被钉十架、埋葬、复活、昇天.
advent 不寻常事出现→偶然;adventure 冒险与奇遇都是偶然的
advent来到+itious →突然来到的→偶然的
ad趋近+vent来+iti名词后缀+ous形容词后缀→从外面到来的⇒外来的,偶然的。词根记忆advent到来+ itious →突然到来的 ⇒偶然的词根记忆advent来到+itious=突然来到的=偶然的近义词 side边alien外侨chance可能性random任意的foreign外来的outward向外的external外来的casual非正式的haphazard偶然的extraneous外来的incidental附带的fortuitous偶然的contingent代表团extrinsic非固有的accidental 意外的nonessential非本质的supervenient伴随产生的circumstantial依情况而定的…

用作形容词Theadventitiousbirth of our fourth child completely changed our plan.第四个孩子偶然的出生,完全改变了我们的计画。
As a successful advertiser , he realized it and advised his boss to catch thisadventitiousand advantageous chance.作为一名成功的广告人,维克多认识到这一点并建议他的老板抓住这个外来的有利的时机。adj.from outside
同义词 accidental,casual,extrinsic,foreign,fortuitous,nonessential
accidentaladjective happening unexpectedly
adscititiousadjective supplemental
casualadjective chance, random
accidental,adventitious,by chance,by-the-way,contingent,erratic,extemporaneous,extempore,fluky,fortuitous,impromptu,improvised,impulsive,incidental,infrequent,irregular,occasional,odd,offhand,serendipitous,spontaneous,uncertain,unexpected,unforeseen,unintentional,unplanned,unpremeditated
chanceadjective accidental, unforeseeable
adventitious,at random,by-the-way,casual,contingent,fluky,fortuitous,fortunate,happy,inadvertent,incidental,lucky,odd,offhand,unforeseen,unintentional,unlooked-for,unplanned
extraneousadjective foreign
adventitious,alien,exotic,external,extrinsic,out of place,strange
foreignadjective irrelevant
accidental,adventitious,extraneous,extrinsic,heterogeneous,immaterial,impertinent,inapposite,incompatible,incongruous,inconsistent,inconsonant,irrelative,repugnant,unassimilable,uncharacteristic,unrelated Information assessing the risk of potential contamination with adventitious agents should be provided in this section.

The best explant for embryoid is stipes, the best explanted adventitious bud is cotyledon.
胚状体发生以茎节为外植体最佳,不定芽发生以子叶最佳。 cnki

The conditions promote the multiple formation of adventitious buds and regenerated roots in proliferating colonies of cells.
环境促进滋生的细胞群落多次形成不定芽与再生根。 kuenglish

The frequencies of adventitious bud differentiation decreased with the subculture increase of the times.
随着继代次数的增加,愈伤组织不定芽发生频率下降。 cnki

The method of tissue culture is used to induce the cotyledons of cucumis melon to become callus and then adventitious buds.
用组织培养的方法使甜瓜子叶脱分化形成愈伤组织,继而在分化培养基上形成不定芽。 cnki

To use maltose in place of sucrose and improve quality of adventitious buds could raise germination rate of artificial seeds.
使用麦芽糖代替蔗糖,以及用较大的不定芽都可提高人工种子发芽率。 cnki

As a successful advertiser, he realized it and advised his boss to catch this adventitious and advantageous chance.
作为一名成功的广告人,维克多认识到这一点并建议他的老板抓住这个外来的有利的时机。 wwenglish

At grain filling stage, dye solution absorbed by6—7th adventitious root could be observed in tassels and ears, including husks, stalks and grains.
在籽粒灌浆期,6—7层节根吸入的染料,可在雄穗和雌穗中,包括苞叶、果穗柄、穗轴和籽粒中观察到。 iciba

Differentiation medium for adventitious shoots of different genotypes were decided.
确定了各基因型的不定芽分化培养基。 cnki

Epicotyl segments were the optimal explants for adventitious buds regeneration.
上胚轴是再生不定芽的最佳外植体类型。 cnki

He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely fortunate.
他觉得这次与他朋友偶然相遇是极其幸运的。 b2b98

Hormonal concentration determines the regeneration pathway of seeding: high of it leads to embryoid, low of it leads to adventitious bud.
激素浓度左右植株再生途径,高浓度下走胚状体发生途径,低浓度下走不定芽发生途径。 cnki

Liquid shallow layer static nurture can also proliferate numerous adventitious buds.
液体浅层静置培养同样诱导出大量不定芽。 cnki

Low- salt medium WPM, while had no advantages over other media on the induction of adventitious buds, supported the continuous growth of adventitious buds of Mandshurican ash.
低盐浓度的 WPM培养基尽管对不定芽诱导没有优势,但可维持再生不定芽的正常生长。 cnki

Natural history, geography, and medicine stumble upon descriptions of existence, upon kinds and distinctions, which are not determined by reason, but by sport and adventitious incidents.
如自然历史、地理学和医学等皆陷于实际存在的规定,分类与区别,皆为外在的偶然事实和主观的特殊兴趣所规定,而不是由理性所规定。 ebigear

The organogenic calli of Slash PinePinus elliottiiwere used to study the differentiation, rooting and histological anatomy of adventitious buds.
以湿地松器官性愈伤组织为材料,开展不定芽分化、生根与组织解剖学的研究。 dictall

They had to decide whether his misconduct was adventitious or the result of a flaw in his character.
他们必须确定他的错误行为是偶然发生的还是因为他的性格缺陷造成的。 nciku

Vaccine production is in accordance with WHO technical specifications, including detailed screening for adventitious viruses.
疫苗生产遵循世卫组织技术标准,其中包括详尽筛查外源病毒。 who

Adventitious buds elongate difficultly and browned to death with the culture time gone by.
不定芽不易伸长,随着培养时间的延长易干枯或褐化死亡; cnki

Adventitious buds regeneration from etiolated internode segment of apple cultivar Nagafu No.
富士苹果黄化茎段再生不定芽的研究。 kuenglish

Adventitious shoots took root and grew to regenerated plants on MS medium.
不定芽在 MS培养基中可以生根,长成健康植株。 cnki




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