

单词 boeri
释义 boeriEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
In Italy companies“are heavily dependent on bank lending” because its bond market is underdeveloped, says Tito Boeri of the Bocconi University in Milan.
米兰 Bocconi大学的 Tito Boeri说由于债券市场仍处于低度开发的状态,意大利的公司更多地依赖于银行借贷。 ecocn

Mr Boeri and his colleagues have called for a similar scheme in Italy, where workers build up employment rights over time.
Boeri先生及其同事呼吁在意大利进行相似的改革计划,因为意大利工人的就业权也随时间增长。 yeeyan

He also raised the possibility that Monaco's Michel Boeri will be another “great candidate” to be the next FIA.
他还提出了一种可能性:摩纳哥的米歇尔·博埃里也会成为下届 FIA主席的有利竞选者。 f1-zone.net

In their book“A New Contract for All”, Tito Boeri and Pietro Garibaldi have outlined how this might be done: by creating a single contract for all workers, with privileges increasing in stages.
在新书“所有人的新合同”中, Boeri和 Garibaldi列出了可能的方法:为所有的员工打造一份统一的合同格式,不同阶层的人待遇逐步提高。 ecocn

The result in Italy, says Mr Boeri, is a “ lost generation” of workers with limited skills.
Boeri说,其结果就是产生意大利“失去的一代”,即一代技能有限的工人。 yeeyan

Tito Boeri of Bocconi University reckons that a fifth of Italy’s workforce are on short fixed-term contracts.
博科尼大学的 Tito Boeri推测五分之一的意大利劳动力是短期定期合同工。 ecocn




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