

单词 Cm
释义 Cm.

a metric unit of length equal to one hundredth of a metera radioactive transuranic metallic element; produced by bombarding plutonium with helium nucleiCm.columellaC.M.=Chirurgi…cm=(centimet…kg/cm=kilograms…
近义词 centimetre厘米curium锔(元素符号Cm…centimeter厘米=1/100米…

用作缩略词The beam has a thickness of 4cm.光束粗四厘米。
The baby is 10cmtaller, measured by a ruler.用刻度尺一量,宝宝真是又长高了10厘米。 Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers, with about an inch2.5 cm of floss between them.
两只手的食指和大拇指分别捏紧牙线的一端,中间留出一英寸长2.5厘米 。 yeeyan

Right now there should be about six inches16 cm of floss dangling from one finger.
留出一段约6英寸16厘米的牙线悬挂在手指上。 yeeyan

Shorter than the Asian elephant by about 20 in. 50 cm, the Borneo pygmy elephant is also more docile.
婆罗洲矮象高度比亚洲大象矮20英寸50厘米,脾性也更温和。 yeeyan

The swell from the Tohoku tsunami was likely only a foot high30 cm when it reached the Sulzberger Ice Shelf, but the consistency of the waves created enough stress to cause the calving.
当东北部海啸所形成的潮水到达苏兹贝格冰架时仅剩一英尺高了30厘米,但是海浪的惯性施加的压力仍足以引起裂冰作用。 yeeyan

The biggest species he offers is from Southeast Asia and grows5 cm long, while others are barely visible.
他所卖的体形最大的一种来自东南亚,可以长到5厘米长,而其它品种则小得难以看到。 edu.sina.com.cn




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