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词汇 PAM
释义 PAM 英pæm美pæmAHDpăm
n.脉冲幅度调制=Pulse Amplitude Modulation;帕姆人名
Let's start with a basic question: Why use PAM at all?
首先讨论一个基本问题:究竟为什么要使用 PAM? ibm

The primary purpose of supporting PAM is having the ability to use enhanced operating system-level authentication.
支持 PAM的主要目的是能够使用增强的操作系统级身份验证。 ibm

AIX currently provides some PAM service modules, these provides at least one of module type described as above.
AIX目前提供了一些 PAM服务模块,至少提供了上述这些模块类型中的一种。 ibm

AIX security commands and applications can be configured to call PAM modules through the use of existing loadable authentication framework.
可以对 AIX安全性命令和应用程序进行配置,以便通过使用现有的加载式验证框架来调用 PAM模块。 ibm

Applications are registered with the PAM service module under this.
应用程序与 PAM服务模块一同注册于该文件下。 ibm

Briefly, PAM pluggable authentication modules allows small pieces of code to be executed at various authentication steps and allows a flexible specification of which modules to execute when.
简言之, PAM可插入认证模块允许在各个认证步骤中执行小段代码,还允许灵活地指定哪些模块何时执行。 ibm

Depending upon how PAM is configured, other tests may be performed before the user sees the command line prompt.
根据 PAM的配置不同,在用户看到命令行提示符之前可能会执行其他测试。 ibm

Figure1 below provides an overview of PAM in AIX.
如下的图1给出了 AIX中的 PAM的概括。 ibm

For most people, PAM is a cooking oil that comes from a can.
对于大多数人, PAM是一种罐装的烹调油。 ibm

If, after hashing the password, the server can log the user in, a successful bind is reported back to PAM.
在对密码进行散列操作之后,如果服务器可以让用户登录,就会向 PAM报告说已经成功进行了绑定。 ibm

It supports authentication PAM module type.
该模块支持验证 PAM模块类型。 ibm

Now that a Pluggable Authentication Module PAM mechanism is available, the scope of authentication is expanded.
既然有了可插入的身份验证模块 PAM机制,身份验证的范围就扩展了。 ibm

Prior to AIX V5.3 release, PAM module is provided as LAM module for handling native applications.
在 AIX V5.3版之前, PAM模块是作为 LAM模块提供的,用于处理本地应用程序。 ibm

Some example directories are listed in the file included with PAM and are commented out.
PAM附带的文件中列出了一些示例目录,但被注释掉了。 ibm

Starting with AIX V5.3 and above, PAM is fully integrated into all AIX native applications and commands.
从 AIX V5.3及更高版本开始, PAM被完全集成到所有 AIX本地应用程序和命令中。 ibm

The first piece is done by a new PAM module.
第一部分是由一个新的 PAM模块完成的。 ibm

These APIs serves as a common interface to all PAM applications.
这些 API可充当所有 PAM应用程序的通用接口。 ibm

This article demonstrates how you would write a PAM module that can later be registered with the server.
本文演示如何编写一个 PAM模块,然后可以向服务器注册这个模块。 ibm

This article describes a way to add another layer of depth to your security strategy: using PAM to polyinstantiate world- writeable shared directories.
本文将描述一种方法,为您的安全策略添加另一层深度:使用 PAM多实例化 全域可写共享目录。 ibm

This method even allows you to modify the authentication rules on the fly, because all PAM- aware programs start applying the new rules without the need for any changes in their code.
这种方法还允许方便地修改身份验证规则,所有感知 PAM的程序都会自动地应用新规则,不需要修改它们的代码。 ibm

This supports all the PAM module types.
此模块支持所有的 PAM模块类型。 ibm

Users can integrate the PAM services to their native applications.
用户可以将 PAM服务集成到其本地应用程序内。 ibm

When PAM receives the response from the challenge question, it can authorize the user, deny access to the user, or issue another challenge question, in which case the above process is repeated.
当 PAM收到对询问问题的响应时,它可以给用户授权、拒绝用户进行访问或者发出另一个询问问题;在最后一种情况下,会重复以上过程。 ibm

With the implementation of PAM in IBM IDS, applications can make use of an authentication module and thereby increase the options for authenticating with the database server.
通过使用 IBM IDS中的 PAM实现,应用程序可以使用身份验证模块,由此增加了数据库服务器的身份验证选项。 ibm

With the PAM framework, multiple authentication technologies can be added without changing any of the login services, thereby preserving existing system environments.
通过使用 PAM框架,可以添加多种认证技术,而不必更改任何登录服务,从而可以保留已有的系统环境。 ibm

PAM also provides flexibility to integrate their existing authentication mechanism with PAM service module.
PAM还提供了通过 PAM服务模块与现有验证机制集成的灵活性。 ibm

PAM framework provides support to integrate multiple authentication mechanisms to existing authentication mechanism.
PAM框架支持将多个验证机制集成到现有的验证机制中。 ibm

PAM next gets the password from the user.
PAM然后会从用户那里获取密码。 ibm

PAM offers database and system developers a great deal of flexibility and control over authentication policies.
PAM为数据库和系统开发人员提供了很大的灵活性以及对身份验证策略的控制能力。 ibm

In this file, list the directories that you want PAM to polyinstantiate on login.
在此文件中,列出您希望在登录时用 PAM多实例化的目录。 ibm




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