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词汇 CIA officer
释义 CIA officer
VeteranCIA officerMuir is just away from retirng when his one-time protege Bishop is charged of espionage and is scheduled to die in 24 hours.资深中情局间谍路梅亚一手训练特工精英比瑟,二人关系亦师亦友。正当路准备退隐时,比却失手被擒,囚于北京,生命危在旦夕。
Last month, at the grave of her husband, Michael, aCIA officerand Marine who died in Mazur-e-Sharif, Shannon Spann said these words of farewell: Semper Fi, my love.上个月,莎侬史般,为国捐躯的CIA探员兼海军成员米高的遗孀,在其夫的墓前致上如此悼语:安息吾爱。
The White House sidesteps questions about whether Vice President Dick Cheney passed his top aide the identity of aCIA officercentral to a federal grand jury probe.对于副总统切尼是否将一名中情局特工的身份泄露给他的高级助手一事白宫采取了回避态度,将其交由联邦大陪审团调查。
A second law enforcement official said theCIA officerhad provided information that contributed to a Washington Post story last year saying there were secret U.S. prisons in Eastern Europe.一位法律实施官的助手说,中央情报局工作人员去年为《华盛顿邮报》提供了一条声称美国在东欧有秘密监狱的信息。




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