

单词 child labor
释义 child labor短语⁵⁶⁰⁰⁸
In each case, farmers who were using child labor were warned that repeat incidences would result in termination of his contract with PMK.
每一次,使用童工的农场被警告如果再次发生这样的事会导致其与 PMK的合同。 yeeyan

On one occasion, Free the Children members learned that Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian leader in the fight against child labor, had been imprisoned for his actions on behalf of child workers.
偶然的一个机会,“解放儿童”组织的成员们了解到,印度抵制童工领袖凯拉什·萨蒂亚尔希因维护童工利益而被捕入狱。 yeeyan

The Kielburger home eventually became the world headquarters for Free the Children FTC, a nonprofit organization that works to abolish child labor practices worldwide.
柯伯格的家乡最终成为了解放儿童组织 FTC FTC是一个非盈利性组织,主要在全球推行废止童工活动的世界总部。 yeeyan

Eventually, Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal saw the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act, which established a national minimum wage, maximum hours and outlawed child labor.
最终,富兰克林—罗斯福总统的新政通过了《公平劳动标准法案》,它规定了美国的国家最低工资,最高工时并宣布雇佣童工为不合法。 yeeyan

In recent years, dozens of multinationals have been accused of using Chinese factories that employed child labor, violated the country's labor laws and fouled its waterways.
近年来,许多使用中国工厂的跨国公司被指控雇佣童工,违法中国劳动法以及污染水路。 yeeyan

Last year, Human Rights Watch documented72 cases of child labor on Kazakh tobacco farms.
去年,人权观察记载了72起哈萨克人烟草农场的童工事件。 yeeyan

Rights groups say better coverage of the often misreported story could help inform people about the realities of child labor.
人权组织表示更好地报道那些常常被扭曲的事件有助于告诉人们有关童工的真相。 yeeyan

Years later, I heard about the term: child labor.
多年以后我听说了这个词:童工。 hjenglish




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