

单词 chambre
释义 chambre
The general's valet de chambre was dressing his hair at the moment when the stranger entered.
当那个生人走进来的时候,将军的贴身跟班正在梳头。 dict.v.wenguo.com

One morning Albert was awakened by his valet de chambre, who announced Beauchamp.
直到一天早晨,阿尔贝的贴身跟班唤醒他,回报波尚来访。 dict.v.wenguo.com

The count then motioned the valet de chambre to retire, and to Ali to follow to his study, where they conversed long and earnestly together.
于是伯爵示意叫那贴身跟班出去又示意叫阿里跟他到他的书房里去,他们在那儿又谈了很久。 tdict

Chambre de commerce in Canton was one important branch of Chambre de commerce, and research on it is scarce in academe.
招商局广州分局是招商局的重要分支机构之一,学术界对它的研究极为缺乏。 dictall




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