释义 |
Lapps 基本例句 拉普人¹⁰⁰ Any of the Finnic languages of theLapps.拉普兰语拉普兰人的芬兰族语言中的任一种 Compared to Ofelas, this film doesn‘t give a very nuanced portrait of the life of theLapps.如发现有侵权,请来信告知,本站将会以最快的速度删除和改正。 TheLappswho live here off fishing and reindeer herding have done an admirable job of retaining their distinctive culture.居住在这里的拉普兰人依靠打鱼和放牧驯鹿为生,并绝妙地保存了他们独特的传统文化。 The people who are the very best at getting around with sleighs are the Sami , and the Sami use reindeer to pull their sleighs.萨米在别的语言中称为拉普人是最擅长于用雪橇的人。 |