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词汇 CDU
释义 CDU高Economist⁵⁷⁴⁸
A decision to end conscription might require approval by the party conventions of the CDU and CSU.
终止征兵制的决定可能需要得到由 CDU和 CSU联合召开的政党大会的批准。 ecocn

The Christian Democratic Union CDU and its Bavarian sibling, the Christian Social Union CSU, consider conscription a“ cornerstone” of society.
基督教民主联盟 CDU和巴伐利亚盟友—基督教社会联盟 CSU一致认为:征兵制是社会的“基石”。 ecocn

The news from Saarland was an unexpected reprieve for the CDU.
然而,从萨尔兰州传来的消息却意外的给了 CDU当头一棒。 ecocn

The stakes are especially high in Baden- Württemberg, which has been governed by Mrs Merkel’s party, the Christian Democratic Union CDU, for more than half a century.
押注格外高的州是巴登-符腾堡州,在超过半个世纪的时间里,它都是由默克尔所在政党基督教民主联盟 CDU所治理的。 ecocn

The CDU president of the Bundestag questions the legality of the moratorium.
联邦议院的基民盟党主席对暂停的合法性提出质疑。 ecocn

But a bigger problem is that, whereas the CDU won a few thousand more votes, the SPD feels like the winner.
但更大的问题是,鉴于基督教民主联盟多取得了一千多张选票,社会民主党感觉上是赚了。 ecocn

But on issues that usually matter more, like jobs, economic policy and education, they rate the Greens below the CDU and even the SPD.
然而在更重要的问题——例如工作、经济政策和教育上,他们认为绿党的能力不如基民盟,甚至是社民党。 ecocn

But the CDU’s performance was no triumph either.
但是基督民主联盟的表现也不很成功。 ecocn

For all these reasons, if this newspaper had a vote in Germany’s election, it would cast it for the FDP, in the hope that it joins a coalition with Ms Merkel’s CDU.
综上所述,如果本报有权在此次选举中投上一票的话,那么这一票就将会投给自民党,希望它能与默克尔所在的基民盟组成大联合政府。 ecocn

GERMANY’S grand coalition is supposedly a union of the centre-right Christian Democrats CDU and their left-leaning foes, the Social Democrats SPD.
德国的大联合政府一般认为是中间偏右的基督教民主联盟 CDU和他们的左派对手社会民主党 SPD的联合。 ecocn

Her Christian Democratic Union CDU was pushed into third place behind the Social Democrats and the Greens in Bremen in May for the first time at state level.
她的基督民主联盟 CDU在不莱梅州级的选举中首次跃居到第三位,排在社会民主党和德国绿党之后。 ecocn

Her pre- election decision to shut down seven nuclear-power plants looked panicky rather than principled, and may have made matters worse for the CDU.
她在选举前决定关闭七座核电站。 这个决定更像是仓促之举而不是坚持原则,并使得基民盟的情势更糟。 ecocn

In a test vote of CDU and CSU deputies yesterday,11 opposed expanding the EFSF and two abstained another dissident did not show up.
在昨天 CDU和 CSU的代表模拟投票中,有11人反对扩展 EFSF,两人弃权还有一位反对者没有出席。 ecocn

It is far from being a broad- based Volkspartei like the CDU and SPD, but it is happy in its expanding niche.
它与经验老道的基民盟以及社民党相比尚有很大差距,然而他们在自己扩张的领域中自得其乐。 hxen

Many business leaders complain that the government, which yokes together the conservative Christian Democrats CDU with the pro- business Free Democrats FDP, is plagued by in- fighting.
很多企业领导层都抱怨,政府联合了保守的基督教民主联盟 CDU和亲商的自由民主党 FDP,如今却正为内部暗斗所苦。 ecocn

Most CDU deputies have since joined their Bavarian colleagues in a plea for rapid tax cuts.
大部分 CDU议员很快加入巴伐利亚同僚的阵营要求迅速减税。 ecocn

Mr zu Guttenberg’s resignation could help the CDU’s rivals, if only because he will not campaign. But it might just mobilise party supporters.
仅仅是因为古滕贝格先生的辞职迫使他放弃参选,就将有助于 CDU的竞争对手,但这也仅仅只能调动反对党派支持者积极性。 ecocn

The FDP was once part of almost every post- war government, as junior partner of either the CDU or the SPD.
二战后,不管是作为基民盟还是社民党的执政小伙伴,自民党几乎每届都参与联盟执政。 topsage

The most conventional would be a “ grand coalition” between the two biggest parties: the CDU and the SPD.
最常见的方式是两个最大的党:基督教民主联盟和社会民主党,组成大联盟。 ecocn

The SPD wants schooling to be free, from kindergarten to university; the CDU is more open to charging fees.
SPD希望国家免费提供从幼儿园到大学的教育; CDU则更倾向于收费。 ecocn

The“ Christian- liberal” coalition of Jürgen Rüttgers, consisting of his Christian Democratic Union CDU and the Free Democratic Party FDP, lost its majority in the Landtag state parliament.
由于尔根•吕特格斯领导的基督教民主联盟 CDU和自由民主党 FDP组成基督教自由联盟,失去了占议会多数的地位。 ecocn

The fuss was stirred by the CDU’s Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union CSU.
这一麻烦是由 CDU的巴伐利亚姐妹党基督教社会联盟 CSU引起的。 ecocn

The CDU and CSU must arrest their slide even as they juggle the responsibilities of government.
即使基民盟和基社盟能篡改政府职责,他们也必须阻止经济继续下滑。 topsage

These include older voters, who lean to the CDU, and prosperous do- gooders who back the Green Party, which came third, with12% of the vote.
这包括更年老的选民,他们倾向支持 CDU,以及支持绿党的富有的空想主义社会改良家们,绿党这次取得12%的选票排名第三。 ecocn




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