

单词 looking at
释义 looking at ˈlukiŋæt 短语³⁸⁵

the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually;

he went out to have a look

his look was fixed on her eyes

he gave it a good looking at

his camera does his looking for him

as in.seeing
同义词 alert,awake,inspecting,looking,noticing,perceiving,regarding,surveying,viewing,witnessingaware,conscious,observant
反义词 asleepas in.contemplation
同义词 examination,inspection,observation,scrutiny,survey,viewing
反义词 ignorance,neglectavoidance,disdain,disregard,rejection,slight
contemplationnoun gazing at
seeingadjective observing
alert,awake,aware,conscious,inspecting,looking,looking at,noticing,observant,perceiving,regarding,surveying,viewing,witnessing The machines that allow them to do this sense their eye movements, and thus work out what they are looking at.
他们这样做所倚仗的仪器可以感知他们眼球的活动,以此判断出他们在看什么。 ecocn

“ Our men are very upset because their ladies are sitting around and other men are looking at us, ” Sultan says.
我们的男人都很沮丧,因为他们的女士们就坐在周围,并且其他的男人们也在看着我们。 yeeyan

Another way of looking at it is to say that the cost of trading is very low.
意味着现在很容易买到金融资产,从另一角度看,这是说交易费用是很低的。 ecocn

But we will be looking at good and bad arguments from now on.

I'm looking at our wedding photo now, the one on our dressing table, next to your jewelry box.
现在我正看着我们结婚时的照片,它就放在我们的梳妆台上,紧挨着你的珠宝盒。 ecocn

Mystery can be created by looking at someone in an obvious way, but simultaneously drawing out an ambiguous emotion from the model.
以显然的方式,看着一个人就可以创造神秘,但是从这个模特同时能引出暧昧的情感。 yeeyan

She felt me looking at her.
她感觉到我在看着她。 yeeyan

Sometimes she is looking at me and thinking but she knows not to ask.
有时她看着我,想着什么问题,但她知道还是不问为好。 yeeyan

They were looking at me, and leering.
他们全都看着我,给我抛媚眼。 yeeyan

WATCHING political change in Cuba is usually like looking at a glacier: you know in theory that it must be moving but you never see anything happen.
看古巴的政治变化常常就像在看一条冰河:你知道理论上讲它肯定在移动,但是却看不到任何事情的发生。 ecocn

Why are you looking at me funny?
为什么要那么奇怪地看着我呢? ibm

Your phone, with its GPS and compass, knows what you are looking at, so it can tell you before you even ask.
你的带有 GPS和指南针功能的手机将知道你在看什么,它甚至可以在你问出这个问题之前就做回答。 yeeyan

Looking at the cube from the front, you might assume that you always see the outside, but what if you could open the box?
从正前方查看立方体时,您总是会认为自己看的仅仅是外部,但如果盒子能打开呢? ibm

Looking at her breasts six inches from the bread, I lost my appetite.
看着她的胸部离面包只有六英寸,我一下子没了食欲。 yeeyan




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