释义 |
Cavalcanti 基本例句 卡瓦尔坎蒂 The twoCavalcantibowed to the count, and left the house.他就是那个辛巴德的一个后裔,而且是我的一个好朋友。 On entering the banker's mansion, they perceived the phaeton and servant of M. AndreaCavalcanti.一进那家银行家的院子,他们便看到安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂的四轮马车和他的仆人在门口。 “Count AndreaCavalcanti,” repeated the young man, accompanying his words with a bow.“安德烈·卡瓦尔康蒂子爵。”青年一面重复说着这个头衔,一面鞠了一躬。 They searched;they questioned.“But who then is AndreaCavalcanti?” asked Danglars in amazement.至于安德烈,他正在往前冲,当他一旦往前冲的时候,是什么都挡不住他的。 This was another little piece of Italian the baron had learned from hearing his daughter sing Italian duets withCavalcanti.“喂,我的朋友,”他把头伸到窗外说,“我们是到哪儿去呀?” M.Cavalcanti, his father, had been seen in Paris, and it was expected that he would re-appear to claim the illustrious outcast.他的父亲卡瓦尔康蒂先生曾在巴黎露过面,大家认为他会再来保护这个闻名遐迩的儿子。 |