

单词 freeze
释义 freeze 英friːz美frizAHDfrēz ★★★☆☆中高四六研牛4TICOCA³⁵¹⁰BNC¹³³⁹²iWeb³⁸⁴⁷Economist⁵²⁰¹

vi. & vt. 使结冰

of water cause to become ice


a period of extremely cold icy weather

UC结冰,凝固; 冻结

ice over; a fixing of prices or wages at a certain level

the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solidweather cold enough to cause freezingan interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement;

a halt in the arms race

a nuclear freeze

fixing of prices or wages etc at a particular level;

a freeze on hiring

stop moving or become immobilized;

When he saw the police car he froze

change to ice;

The water in the bowl froze

be cold;

I could freeze to death in this office when the air conditioning is turned on

cause to freeze;

Freeze the leftover food

stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it;

Suspend the aid to the war-torn country

be very cold, below the freezing point;

It is freezing in Kalamazoo

change from a liquid to a solid when cold;

Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit

prohibit the conversion or use of assets;

Blocked funds

Freeze the assets of this hostile government

anesthetize by coldsuddenly behave coldly and formally;

She froze when she saw her ex-husband


❌ Today it is frozen cold, and you had better put on your coat.

✔️ Today it is freezing cold, and you had better put on your coat.

frozen是freeze的过去分词,常表被动意义,作“被…冻”“让…受冻”解; 而freezing是freeze的现在分词,常用于主动语态,强调“冷”的程度。

来自PIE*preus, 冷,冰冻,发烧,词源同frost, prurient. 这种看似矛盾的词义比较calm,或感冒发烧,长冻疮等的病症。
用作动词 v.
~+名词freeze prices使物价冻结freeze sb's blood使某人极度恐惧,吓得某人魂不附体freeze the milk使牛奶冻结freeze wages冻结工资~+副词freeze hard冻得很硬freeze nightly在夜间冻结freeze dangerously危险地冻上了freeze seasonally及时地冻上了freeze in由于冰冻而封冻在…里面freeze off排斥,赶走freeze out排斥,赶走,冻死,〈美〉因寒冷而受阻或停止freeze over使冷,使冻结,使结冰,表面上全结冰freeze together冻结在一起freeze up使冻结,变呆板〔僵硬〕,态度变得非常冷淡,愣住~+介词freeze at在…时结冰freeze beyond recovery冻得无法恢复freeze into ice冻成冰freeze onto冻在某物上,〈口〉紧紧抓住freeze onto the wheel紧紧抓住方向盘freeze to冻牢在…上面,牢牢地附在…上freeze to death冻死freeze to the metal与金属冻在一起freeze with cold冷得结冰freeze with fright吓呆freeze with terror吓得脸都变形了用作名词 n.动词+~demand a freeze on prices要求冻结物价put a freeze on new construction对新的建设项目实行冻结名词+~nuclear freeze核冻结pay freeze工资冻结price freeze物价冻结wages freeze工资冻结
freeze in v.+adv.

冻住 hold (sth firmly in ice)

freeze sth ⇔ inThe ship was frozen in for the winter.冬天,船被冰层冻住了。
freeze off v.+adv.

拒绝…,拒绝接受 refuse to accept

freeze sb/sth ⇔ offThe girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party.当他想参加舞会时,姑娘们拒绝了他。
We froze off their offer of help.我们拒绝接受他们提出的帮助。
freeze onto v.+prep.

依附于 attach oneself to (sb or an idea)

freeze out v.+adv.

用竞争等排斥 prevent sb/sth from being included

freeze sb/sth ⇔ outIn capitalist society, big enterprises always try to freeze out the smaller ones.在资本主义社会,大企业总是千方百计地排挤小企业。
Members who are no longer welcome can easily be frozen out.不受欢迎的人很容易被排挤掉。
They were frozen out of the club.他们被挤出了俱乐部。
freeze over v.+adv.

封冻 freeze completely

freeze overThe lake has frozen over.湖面已封冻了。
When the river freezes over, we can walk across on the ice.河流封冻时,我们可以踏着冰穿过河面。freeze sth ⇔ overThis cold wave is severe enough to freeze over all the rivers and ponds.这次寒潮很厉害,河流和池塘都得结冰。
The river was frozen over last night.昨晚河水全给冻上了。
freeze to v.+prep.

冻得… be in ice to

freeze to sthTwo of them froze to death.他们当中有两人被冻死了。freeze sb to sthHe was frozen to death on a snowing night.在一个刮风雪的晚上,他被冻死了。
freeze together v.+adv.

冻结在一起 be in ice together

freeze sth ⇔ togetherThe two pots are frozen together.这两个罐子冻在一起了。
freeze up v.+adv.

态度变得非常冷淡 not to care about sth

freeze upThe stream has frozen up, you can see the fish trapped in the ice.小溪已经封冻,你可以看到封冻在冰里的鱼。
The engine has frozen up.引擎已冻得发动不起来了。freeze sth ⇔ upThe windows are frozen up and I can't open them.窗户冻住了,打不开。freeze upShe froze up and refused to say a word.她变得非常冷淡,一言不发。
freeze with v.+prep.

因…而冻僵或战栗 cause to become still with cold or be dull

freeze with sthEllen froze with terror at the frightful sight.埃伦被这种恐怖场面吓得发抖。联想记忆free自由+ze→让水失去自由⇒使结冰近义词 solidifyv. harden反义词 boil沸腾melt融化unfreeze溶化
S+~+AOnce their waterpipes froze and burst.有一次他们的水管给冻破了。
Water freezes when the temperature falls below 0℃.当温度降至摄氏零度时水会结冰。
The wet clothes has frozen on the clothesline.潮衣服在晒衣绳上结冻了。
Salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water.盐水冰点温度比淡水冰点温度低。
It's freezing tonight.今夜有冰冻。
The child froze at the sight of the snake.那孩子看见那条蛇吓呆了。
It must be the wind that makes it so cold.I'm freezing.一定是这场风把天气变得这么冷,我冻得要命。
As he looked at the million-pound note, his smile froze on his face.他看到那张百万英镑支票时,笑容在他脸上不自然地僵住了。
S+~+ n./pron.The cold weather froze the lake.严寒的天气使得湖面结了冰。
The north wind has frozen the water in the pool of the garden.北风使花园里的池水结冰了。
The government decided to freeze prices for six months.政府决定冻结物价六个月。
The President froze their credits.总统冻结了他们的资金。
Meat from New Zealand is frozen and brought to England in special ships.新西兰的肉被冷冻起来并用专用船只运到英国。
His salary was frozen at $150 per week.他的工资被固定在每周150美元。
He looks half frozen, he needs a hot drink.他看起来快给冻坏了,他需要一杯热饮料。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.Afreezer freezes water solid.冰箱能使水结成固体。
The milk was frozen solid.牛奶已冻得凝固了。
The road is frozen hard.路冻得很硬。用作名词n.He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze.他在去年冬天严寒期内滑倒,摔断了腿。
The weatherman predicted a freeze for tonight.天气预报员预报今晚有冰冻。
The bank instituted a wagefreeze.银行实行了工资冻结。Pfreeze-out去掉Pantifreezer防冻剂Pfreeze-dryvt.冻干Pantifreezen.防冻剂Psharp-freezevt.速冻Pfreeze-drying冷冻干燥Pquick-freezevt.使速冻Pfreezern.冰库冰箱冷冻库Punfreezevt.使解冻解除的冻结Pfreeze-upn.冰冻冻结冰冻期严寒期Pdeepfreezen.冷藏箱速冻暂时中止vt.保存于冷冻箱冷藏




freeze后接with或in,表示“因…而冻僵或战栗”; 后接out,表示“挤掉,撵走”; 后接over表示“湖水等为冰所封”。




用作动词Waterfreezesat the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。
We ate some of the fruits andfrozethe rest.我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。
Theyfreezethis theory to death.他们把这个理论僵化了。
The quality of the imagination is to flow and not tofreeze.想象的特点是流动,而不是凝固。用作名词He slipped and broke his leg during the bigfreeze.他在严寒期间滑倒,摔断了腿。
Thefreezecaused many problems in the small town.严寒冰冻给这座小镇带来许多麻烦。
The government has introduced a wagefreeze.政府已宣布要冻结工资。verb.make cold enough to become solid
同义词 chill,ice,refrigeratebenumb,bite,congeal,frost,glaciate,harden,nip,pierce,solidify,stiffenchill to the bone,ice over,ice up
反义词 liquefy,melt,heat,warmboilverb.stop
同义词 fix,hold up,suspenddampen,depress,discourage,dishearten,inhibit
反义词 continue,encourage,hearten,inspirit,upliftgo
arrestverb stop or slow
block,can,check,delay,drop,end,halt,hinder,hold,inhibit,interrupt,knock off,obstruct,prevent,restrain,restrict,retard,scrub,shut down,stall,stay,suppress
cessationnoun ending
abeyance,arrest,break,breakoff,breather,cease,ceasing,close,conclusion,cutoff,desistance,discontinuance,downtime,end,finish,freeze,grinding halt,halt,halting,hiatus,intermission,interruption,interval,layoff,letup,pause,recess,remission,respite,rest,screaming halt,standstill,stay,stop,stoppage,suspension,termination,time off,time-out
chillverb make cold
chillsverb make cold
coldnoun frigid conditions
congealverb coagulate
cake,clabber,clot,concrete,condense,curdle,dry,freeze,gel,gelate,gelatinate,gelatinize,glob up,harden,indurate,jell,jellify,jelly,refrigerate,set,solidify,stiffen,thicken The best option to preserve the fertility of a female cancer patient is to collect her eggs, fertilize them with sperm and freeze the resulting embryos.
女性癌症病人保存生育能力的最佳选择就是先收集她的卵,并将其与精子受精,再将由此产生的胚胎冷冻。 yeeyan

The plutonium preparation had restarted in2003 after an earlier freeze deal, negotiated in1994 with the Clinton administration, had collapsed because of evidence of cheating over uranium.
在一份与克林顿政府1994年签署的协议冻结后,2003年内钸储备又重新开始。 这项储备由于铀欺骗的证据而告终。 ecocn




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