

单词 categories
释义 cat·e·go·ries 英'kætɪɡərɪz美'kætɪɡərɪz COCA³³³³BNC²⁴⁹²Economist⁵³¹²
名词 category:
a collection of things sharing a common attributea general concept that marks divisions or coordinations in a conceptual scheme用作名词They fall into differentcategories.他们属于不同的类别。
Thesecategoriesare not well defined.这些类别划分得不太明确。
These toxins fall into variouscategories.这些毒素掉入各种不同的种类。
There are differentcategoriesof books in a library.图书馆里有各种不同种类的书籍。
It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomiccategories.它不属于正规植物分类学的分类阶元的范畴。
These are the five keycategorieswhich we focus on in BPD.业务计划实施有五个关键范畴。noun.classification, type
同义词 class,division,grade,group,kind,league,level,list,rank,section,tierdepartment,grouping,head,heading,order,pigeonhole,sort
反义词 whole The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.

The security team then further divides the applications into security categories, such as high, medium, and low.
安全团队然后将进一步把应用程序划分到各个安全性类别,如高、中和低。 ibm

Then we applied the three categories of continuity to form a baseline structure.
然后,我们应用连续性的三个种类来构成一个基线结构。 yeeyan

To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes.
列出和每一项规则相关联的所有资源,展开规则类别和规则节点。 ibm

A man must not presume to use his reasons, unless he has studied the categories, and can chop logic.

But the most interesting aspect of categories is how they are implemented.
但是有关类别的最有趣的一点是它们的实现方式。 ibm

Each one of these categories will be detailed in an article in this series.
这些类别中的每一个都会在本系列文章中的一篇文章中得到详细地描述。 ibm

For example, if your store does not sell some categories from the shared catalog, they can be excluded in the base for default contract.
例如,如果您的商店不销售共享目录中的某些种类,则可以将它们从缺省契约的基础契约中排除。 ibm

Here information about all the categories in the database is weighted by the number of articles and sent for display to the tag cloud.
在这里,数据库中所有类别的信息都是按文章的数量排列的,并且将这些信息显示到标记云中。 ibm

In any synchronization scenario each participating data store will fall into one of four categories.
在任何同步方案中,每个参与的数据存储将归为四个类别中的一个。 infoq

In some cases you have built or use a framework that your whole application uses and it may show up in one of these categories.
在某些情况下,您构建或使用了您的整个应用程序所使用的框架,并且该框架可能出现在这些分类中的其中一种中。 ibm

In this refined schema, these categories are represented as levels.
在这个改进模式中,这些类别以级别表示。 ibm

In this series of articles, I will not discuss each of these capability categories in detail.
在本系列文章中,我们不打算详细讨论上面的每一个功能类别。 ibm

In this view, the projects have also been allocated to categories, which is optional.
在这个视图中,还对这些项目进行了分类,该操作是可选的。 ibm

In this view, you can browse, search, edit, delete, and create new categories or subcategories.
在该视图中,您可以浏览、搜索、编辑、删除和创建新类别或子类别。 ibm

It shows the total of all categories.
它显示所有类别的总数。 ibm

Most if not all information to be managed falls into one of those categories.
要管理的大多数如果不是全部的话信息都可以归入这其中一个类别。 ibm

My mechanism is to put all categories into an Array, with each category as an element.
我的思路是把所有类别插入到一个数组,其中每个类别作为数组中的一个元素。 ibm

One way to do this is to map bug counts by software areas and categories of tests.
做到这个的一种方法是通过软件区域和测试种类来映射程序缺陷计数。 ibm

Then you can map each job description to one of the user categories, giving you a general understanding of user distribution and anticipated workloads.
然后您可以将每个工作描述映射到一个用户种类,从而使您对用户分布和预期工作量有一个大体的了解。 ibm

Therefore, it would be wasteful to query a database on every request to get the latest list of categories.
因此,对于每个请求都通过查询数据库获取最新的分类列表是很浪费的。 ibm

These books fall into several categories.

They think in outworn categories and follow habits and assumptions that are not, or only rarely, based on fact.
他们以陈腐的类别来思考,对习惯和假设的追随不是或很少是基于事实的。 yeeyan

We have also widened the scope to include more platforms within some of the categories.
我们把扩大了范围,包括了各种类别的平台,数目也比之前的多。 diandian

We have four categories of investments.
我们有四大种类的投资。 fortunechina

We will use categories in our solution to specify the languages available to the user.
在这个解决方案中,我们将使用类别指定用户可以使用的语言。 ibm

When you upload the documents, you can associate each document with one or more categories.
上传文档时,您可以将每个文档与一种或多种类别相关联。 ibm

You can establish different quotas for different categories of users.
可以为不同类别的用户建立不同的限额。 ibm




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