

单词 Carlsberg
释义 Carlsberg 'ka:sbə:g 高Economist¹⁶¹⁷¹
All the cards came crashing down this Sunday night for Porto as they fell 3-0 to a Benfica side that won their second consecutive Carlsberg Cup in the Algarve.
该摊牌了。本周日晚在阿尔加夫,波尔图0:3输给了本菲卡,目送后者连续第二年折桂嘉士伯杯。 yeeyan

Already this year Carlsberg has suffered a10% drop in consumption of its beer.
今年嘉士伯的啤酒销量已经下滑了10%。 ecocn

Between them ABI, SABMiller, Carlsberg and Heineken have nearly half the world market.
四大啤酒企业占世界啤酒市场近一半份额。 ecocn

Hundreds of Carlsberg workers have gone on strike for a second day after a 'beer ban' was imposed by bosses.
丹麦嘉士伯啤酒厂工人开始闹罢工了,因为老板颁发了一项禁酒令。 edu.sina.com.cn

Shipments of Carlsberg from Copenhagen have been suspended, with delays expected across the rest of Denmark.
嘉士伯啤酒运输将滞留哥本哈根,整个丹麦的供货都将推迟。 hjenglish

The Danish economy has traditionally been divided between big multinational companies such as Carlsberg, a brewing behemoth and a welter of small family firms.
传统上丹麦经济两极分化,既有大型跨国企业例如嘉士伯,酿造业巨头,也有苦苦挣扎的家庭作坊。 ecocn

“ Carlsberg will carry out more detailed environmental assessment before taking over factories in order to prevent any similar misunderstandings from happening again, ” said a spokesman.
一位发言人说:“在接管工厂前,嘉士伯啤酒公司将进行更加全面的环境评估以便防止类似的误解再次发生。” yeeyan

A year earlier Schmidt had made what would end up being an auspicious betrothal to the heiress of the Carlsberg Brewery, a Danish company that donated generously to marine research.
一年前,施密特创办了一家为海洋研究慷慨捐赠的丹麦公司,最后幸运地与嘉士伯啤酒厂女继承人订婚。 yeeyan

Last month Carlsberg, a Danish brewer, launched a new worldwide slogan: “That calls for a Carlsberg”.
上个月,丹麦的嘉士伯啤酒启用了全世界统一口号:“值得来杯嘉士伯”。 yeeyan

Now he manages a factory for Richall, supplying durable bags to companies such as Walmart, Carlsberg and Disney.
现在,他为瑞尔集团管理一个工厂,这个工厂为沃尔玛、嘉士伯和迪斯尼这样的公司提供耐用袋。 yeeyan

Carlsberg Brewery for many years has sponsored scientific research through the Carlsberg Foundation.
嘉士伯通过嘉士伯基金,多年来一直在赞助科学研究。 v.163.com

Carlsberg declined 3.5 percent to558 kroner after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. lowered its recommendation for the Danish brewer to “ sell” from“ neutral.”
丹麦嘉士伯公司股价下跌3.5%,至558克朗,高盛集团把嘉士伯公司的股票评级从中性下调为卖出。 yeeyan

Carlsberg, a Danish brewing giant with over40% of the market, reckons this will add20-30% to retail prices.
嘉士伯,这个占据了俄罗斯啤酒市场40%份额的丹麦酿酒巨头宣称,这一举措将使啤酒的零售价提高20-30%。 ecocn.org

Carlsberg, which has made a hefty bet on the beer markets of eastern Europe, spent $12 billion buying and investing in Baltika, one of Russia’s oldest brewers.
嘉士伯,在东欧的啤酒市场上下了大赌注。这个公司在俄罗斯最老的啤酒酿造商 Baltika公司投资了12亿美元。 ecocn

Carlsberg won full control of BBH, a brewer in Russia, among other brewing businesses.
嘉士伯赢得了苏联酒厂BBH的完全控制权,还有其他的一些酿酒事业。 yeeyan




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