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词汇 candled
释义 can·dle·d 英'kændl美'kændl

a round stick of wax containing a length of string wick which gives light when it burns

stick of wax with a wick in the middlethe basic unit of luminous intensity adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; equal to 1/60 of the luminous intensity per square centimeter of a black body radiating at the temperature of 2,046 degrees Kelvin
examine eggs for freshness by holding them against a light直接源自古英语的candel;最初源自拉丁语的candel,意为蜡烛
用作名词 n.
动词+~blow at a candle吹熄蜡烛blow out a candle吹灭蜡烛burn a candle at both ends消耗过多的精力burn candles to see by点蜡烛照明dip candles浸烛芯于融蜡中制造蜡烛extinguish candle弄熄蜡烛hide one's candle under a bushel不露锋芒hold a candle to the devil助纣为虐hold a candle to the sun白费精力light a candle点燃蜡烛put out a candle弄熄蜡烛形容词+~flaring candle闪动的烛光flickering candle忽明忽暗的烛光名词+~beeswax candles蜂蜡制成的蜡烛wax candle蜡烛~+名词candle bomb照明弹candle light烛光candle stand蜡台架candle stick蜡烛台介词+~a piece of candle一支蜡烛flame of a candle蜡烛的火焰~+介词candle on one's birthday cake插在生日蛋糕上的蜡烛
用作名词n.can't hold a candle to sb

简直不能与…相比 be not nearly as good as

近义词 taper
用作名词n.The candle light is dimmed by sunlight.烛光在阳光下变弱。
The candle began to flare.烛光开始摇曳。
The candles on the Christmas tree lit up the room.圣诞树上的蜡烛照亮了房间。
The heat dissolved the candles.热使蜡烛融化了。
The wind blew out the candle.风吹灭了蜡烛。
Every time he tried to light the candle, it blew out.他几次想把蜡烛点了起来,但都被风吹熄了。
We lit up the candle and the candle lit up the room.我们点燃了蜡烛,烛光照亮了房间。
Shine the candle in, please.请把蜡烛往里照。
The sun dimmed the light of the candle.太阳使烛光暗淡。
The bottom of the candle is fused with its holder.蜡烛的底部和烛台熔合在一起。
At least we can fall back on candles if the electricity fails.停电时我们至少可以使用蜡烛。
The flame of the burning candle soon went out.蜡烛的火焰很快就熄灭了。
The wax from the two candles fused as they burned.两根蜡烛上的蜡燃烧时融合在了一起。


用作及物动词To make sure that the eggs are fresh, we had better candle them one by one.为了查明鸡蛋是否新鲜,我们最好将鸡蛋一一对着光检查一遍。as in.scrutinize
同义词 analyze,check,check out,comb,consider,dissect,explore,inspect,investigate,look over,peruse,pore over,probe,scan,sift,watch,weighcandle,canvass,case,contemplate,dig,eyeball,overlook,peg,penetrate,pierce,search,smoke,stare,study,survey,viewburn up,check over,eagle-eye,get a load of,go over with a fine-tooth comb,inquire into,perlustrate,put under a microscope,scope,scrutinate,take the measure of
反义词 forget,ignore,neglect,misunderstandas in.check
同义词 analyze,confirm,correct,find out,go through,investigate,look at,monitor,probe,review,scrutinize,study,test,try,verifyascertain,audit,candle,case,compare,count,eyeball,frisk,note,overlook,prove,quiz,tellbalance account,enquire about,keep account,look over,make sure,scout out,take stock
反义词 disregard,ignore,neglect,overlook,estimate,guessforget,invalidate




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