

单词 candies
释义 can·dies 英'kændɪz美'kændɪz COCA²³⁷⁹³BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³

名词 candy:
a rich sweet made of flavored sugar and often combined with fruit or nuts
动词 candy:
coat with something sweet, such as a hard sugar glaze用作名词Mother dealt threecandieseach.母亲分给每个人三粒糖果。
You may take as manycandiesas you desire.你想要拿多少糖果就拿多少。
When I was young, I likedcandiesand dim sum very much.小时候,我非常喜欢吃果饵。noun.confection
同义词 sweetbonbon,confectionery,confit,hokum,jawbreaker,sweetmeat And you can also add some fruits, nuts or candies on it.
你还可以在冰淇淋里加入水果、果仁或者糖果。 ebigear

They are sweet when eaten raw, but are often processed into juice, wine, candies and jams.
果肉很甜,可生吃,但经常被制成果汁,果酒,糖果或果酱。 yeeyan

Abundance of chocolate hearts, hares and candies will surprise you.
巧克力做的爱心、野兔和糖果,数量多得令人吃惊。 yeeyan

All of them were told imagine eating the candies when they saw them.
他们全部被告诉了想像吃糖果当他们看见他们。 yeeyan

Also, there were horns, and dolls, and toys of various sorts, and parcels and bundles of candies and nuts that filled the arms of all the Silvas to overflowing.
此外还买了喇叭、布娃娃、各种各样的玩具。 还有大包小包的糖果,叫西尔伐全家的手臂几乎抱不住。 ebigear

But when it comes to the types of smells women find attractive in men, there are some surprising candidates, including citrus, baby powder and Good & Plenty candies.
可谈到女人会被什么男人香吸引,这儿有一些难料的候选,包括,柑橘味,婴儿爽身粉,和糖果的甜腻。 yeeyan

Casey Gittelman and Eleanor Bishop asked30 kindergarteners and30 teachers to guess which items in a cabinet were candies, and which were medicine.
卡塞伊·基特曼和埃莉诺·毕晓普,让30名幼儿园小朋友和30名教师猜测一个罐子里的东西哪些是糖果,哪些又是药片。 yeeyan

Do you like eat chocolates or candies?
你喜欢吃巧克力和糖果吗? oralpractice

Foods such as slowly- dissolving candies and soda are in the mouth for longer periods of time.
食物,比如慢慢溶解的糖果和苏打水在嘴巴里停留的时间会比较久。 yeeyan

I knew that parties were involved, begging for nuts and candies, bonfires in the square, and playing tricks on the townsfolk.
我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场点篝火,和镇民们玩弄恶作剧。 ebigear

May chocolates, candies and lovely treats bombard your family members, friends and dear ones.
愿你的家人、朋友和恋人被许多巧克力、糖果和爱的盛宴狂轰乱炸。 hjenglish

Secretly, the researchers later weighed the bowls to see how many candies each person ate.
秘密地,研究员稍后秤重了碗了解多少糖果每个人吃。 yeeyan

The process is a little like picking through multicolored candies to find the blue ones.
这个过程有点像从五彩糖果中挑选出蓝色的糖果。 yeeyan

The products, which included candies, chocolates and snacks, are made with milk or milk powder.
这些产品包括糖果、巧克力及点心,它们都含有牛奶或奶粉。 yeeyan

The Spring Festival is coming. We will buy something to eat for the celebration and also some candies.
不是快过春节了么,给家里买一些过年准备的一些吃的呀,还有一些糖果什么的。 hxen

Then he bought lots of candies for the children to celebrate the victory.
然后他买了许多糖果给孩子来庆祝胜利。 ebigear

They don t need candies or toys.
他们并不需要糖果或玩具。 hjenglish

This tiny box is just big enough to hold two candies.
这个小巧的盒子只能装两个糖果那么大。 yeeyan

Why doesn't he pass around the candies to the guests?




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