

单词 candidates
释义 candidates 英'kændɪdeɪts美'kændɪdeɪts COCA²²¹⁰BNC²¹¹⁷Economist⁹⁶⁷
名词 candidate:
a politician who is running for public officesomeone who is considered for something for an office or prize or honor etc.用作名词A standard letter was sent to allcandidates.给所有求职者均寄去了一封标准函。
There were a large number ofcandidatesfor the job.有许多求职者申请这份工作。
Thecandidatescanvassed right up to election day.候选人们直到选举日之前一直在游说拉票。
His name was deleted from the list ofcandidates.他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。as in.field
同义词 competitionapplicants,competitors,contestants,entrants,entries,nominees,participants,possibilities,runners
fieldnoun persons taking part in competition
applicants,competition,competitors,contestants,entrants,entries,nominees,participants,possibilities,runners All the more reason for candidates to be chosen on the basis of competence, not place of birth.
候选人被选出的理由更应该是基于他们是否称职,而非出生地点在哪。 ecocn

And some firms require candidates to complete personality or competency tests benchmarked according to what an employer considers to be key traits for a particular role.
一些公司要求候选人完成性格或能力测试,测试是根据雇主认为一个特定职位所需的关键特点而制定的。 cri

Known as spoiling the ballot, it is a tactic common in this region when voters do not support the process or the candidates.
损毁选票的做法在这个地区很普通。如果选民不赞成投票,或者不赞成某位候选人,就会毁掉选票。 hjenglish

The Democratic Party was the opposition party at that time. Party leaders believed their candidates would have a better chance of winning if they opposed the policy.
在当时,民主党是反对党,民主党领导人认为,如果他们反对这项新政策,那么他们的候选人将有可能赢得议会选举。 yeeyan

The candidates jostled each other to win the position.

All the candidates came across badly on TV.

An overwhelming majority of the candidates have gone in for his policy.

But the two candidates, in keeping with the orthodoxy of their parties, have very different ideas about how to reduce it.
但是,受党派正统思想影响的两位候选人,就如何解决这个问题有着自己不同的看法。 ecocn

But this trait comes out on the campaign trail, and in the past job performances of the candidates.
但是,在候选人的竞选活动里,从他们过去工作表现中,这种特质自然会流露出来。 yeeyan

Everyone is so concerned now where all of the candidates are born.
每个人现在都非常关心所有的候选人出生在哪里。 yeeyan

Expectations grew, as candidates not only needed to say the right thing, but also look the part.
期望在增长,候选人不仅要讲正确的事,而且也得看得上去像那种人。 yeeyan

If, after you exhaust your internal candidates, no one turns up, then feel free to look outside your organization.
如果你对公司内部的候选人“刨根寻底”之后,觉得无人适合,那么请到外面寻找。 yeeyan

Meet each of the candidates and read their campaign promises and find out why their supporters decided to vote for them in this class election.
查阅每个候选人,阅读他们的选举承诺并找出为什么他们的支持者会在这种级别的选举中投他们一票。 yeeyan

One of the candidates needs to secure more than half the vote to be elected president.
其中一位候选人需要得到超过半数的选票来当选总统。 ebigear

Other candidates are far behind with about95 percent of all ballots tallied.
其他候选人在大约95%的选票被计算过后,仍然远远落后。 voanews

She is so popular that some congressional candidates have expressed more excitement at the prospect of campaigning with her than with her husband.
米歇尔的支持率颇高,因此一些国会候选人对与她一同参选的前景更看好,而不是与她的丈夫。 iciba

Support for democracy must not be about support for specific candidates or movements.
对民主的支持不仅仅是对特定候选人或运动的支持。 yeeyan

The two candidates were not far apart on the issues.
这两位候选人在相关问题上的分歧不大。 ecocn

There could also be other candidates.
也可能还有其他候选人。 ecocn

We have narrowed it down to you and two other candidates.
我们已经把范围缩小到你和另外两个应聘者了。 ebigear

You may vote whichever of the candidates you like best.
你最喜欢那个候选人就投哪个候选人的票。 ebigear




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