

单词 canarium
释义 canarium
Any of various oily resins derived from certain tropical trees, especially Canarium luzonicum of the Philippines, and used in making varnishes and inks.
榄香树脂一种从某些热带树木上提取的油脂,尤指长在菲律宾的橄榄科树,用来做油漆或油墨。 hotdic

The physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of Canarium album L. kernel oil have been investigated.
为开发和利用橄榄核仁资源,对橄榄核仁油的理化特性和脂肪酸组成进行研究。 cnki

MethodsDocuments of experimental and clinical study on Canarium album within recent years were consulted and summarized.
方法归纳总结多年来的研究结果和国内外的文献。 chemyq

OBJECTIVE The research progresses on Canarium album were summarized.
目的介绍青橄榄的研究进展。 chemyq

Objective: To investigate the best conditions of extraction techniques for gallic acid in Canarium album.
目的:探讨青果中没食子酸提取工艺的最佳条件。 cnki

Objective: To study the chemical constituents in the fruit of Canarium album.
目的:对青果的化学成分进行研究。 www1.chkd.cnki.net

RESULTS and CONCLUSIONThe chemical constituents of Canarium album have special structures and good activities, and possess great value.
结果与结论青橄榄的化学成分结构独特,药理活性多样,具有重要价值。 chemyq




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