释义 |
高处 gāo chù ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰⁰⁹ᴾᵃ¹⁰⁹⁵² 基本例句 highaltitudeeminence繁体高處猛禽的巢鸟巢,如鹰巢,筑于悬崖或其他高处The nest of a bird, such as an eagle, built on a cliff or other high place. 从高处窗户向外看,这个女人的头发晕了。Looking out the high window went to the woman's head. 攀登者从高处向下眺望。The climbers gazed down from on high. 这座城堡建于高处是为保护城市。This citadel is built on high ground for protecting the city. |