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词汇 Canadians
释义 Canadians kəˈneɪdjənz Economist⁸⁴⁹⁸
n.加拿大人Canadian的名词复数原型canadian的复数 But Canadians do not like their police to be trigger-happy, even with “ non- lethal” weaponry.
不过,加拿大人不喜欢他们的警察动辄开枪,即便是“非致命”的武器也不例外。 ecocn

“ It is common to find people of French Canadian descent to be related to large numbers of other French Canadians, ” said genealogist Christopher Child, who conducted the research.
开展该研究的系谱专家克里斯托夫•洽德说:“具有法裔加拿大血统的人与其他很多法裔加拿大人有亲戚关系,这很正常。” ebigear

Although aboriginals living outside the reserves have lower levels of education, health and income than other Canadians, the gap is even wider for those on the reserves.
尽管生活在保留区外的原住民受教育、健康及收入水准都比其它加拿大人低,但在这些保留区里,差距就更大了。 ecocn

And finally, to all Canadians: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world.
最后,至所有加拿大同胞:加拿大是一个伟大的国家,是世界的一个希望。 yeeyan

And how many non- Canadians recall that the centre of Vancouver was hit by riots in June after the local team lost an ice hockey game?
有多少非加拿大人能回忆起发生在六月份本地球队在冰球比赛中的一次失利之后温哥华市中心的暴乱呢? ecocn

But the glaring omission from that list is the one issue Canadians care most about: guaranteeing speedy access to public health care.
但是承诺清单上少了重要的一条也是加拿大人最关心的事情:保障快速地得到公费医疗。 ecocn

But another article in the same paper reports that some Chinese- Canadians believe the Western media have gone too far in using YueYue’s death to make generalizations about Chinese culture.
不过,据同一份报纸的另一篇文章报道,一些华裔加拿大人认为,西方媒体利用小悦悦死亡事件概括中国文化,属于过分。 yeeyan

But polls suggest that75% of Canadians want the Senate reformed.
但民意调查显示75%的加拿大人希望参议院改革。 ecocn

But that may not be the last Canadians hear of it.
不过这可能不是加拿大人最后一次听说它。 yeeyan

But Canadians may be doomed to vote again, if not this autumn then next year.
但加拿大人却注定要进行这次大选,即使不是在今秋,也会是在明年。 ecocn

Despite centuries of coexistence, the First Nations, as Canada’s indigenous people call themselves, and other Canadians still live in mutual incomprehension.
尽管彼此共存已达几个世纪,自称原住民的加拿大土著人与其他加拿大人仍然生活在互不理解中。 ecocn

Even partial success by the time Canadians pack away their barbecues might be enough to forestall an election this year.
在加拿大人收好他们的烧烤时,任何局部胜利都足以在今年的选举中先发制人。 ecocn

He has also urged Canadians to vote out the current Conservative government in Ottawa, even though both he and the prime minister are technically members of the same party.
他还鼓励加拿大人将渥太华现任保守党政府选下台,尽管他和加拿大首相在技术层面上都属于同一个政党。 ecocn

He is sure Canadians will like what they see and identify with such princely causes as the environment, youth and bridging the gaps between religions.
费斯确信加拿大人会喜欢他们所看到的,并认同这样高贵的事业为环境和年轻,消除不同宗教间的隔阂。 ecocn

He was genuinely interested in the way in which we were working with the Canadians in an area west of Kandahar City.
他对我们与加拿大人在坎大哈市以西地区一同工作的方式非常有兴趣。 yeeyan

It argued that Canadians do not want murderers walking their streets.
他们认为加拿大人不希望杀人犯出现在他们的街道上。 ecocn

Many Canadians see Newfoundland as the poor man of confederation, where unemployment always soars above the national average and whose people depend on the largesse of their fellow countrymen.
很多加拿大人认为纽芬兰是联邦中的贫穷的小兄弟,失业率总是高于全国品均水平,人们依赖全国人民的施舍而生活。 ecocn

Most Canadians live huddled up against the southern border with the United States; they have more in common with Americans than with their Arctic compatriots.
大多数的加拿大人都与美国南疆的美国人打成一片;比起自己的北极同胞,他们与美国人更有相似之处。 ecocn

Otherwise Mr Harper may choose to send Canadians to the polls this autumn, for the fourth time in seven years.
否则哈珀可能会在七年之内第四次让加拿大人参加今年秋天的选举。 ecocn

Right now, it's fighting the Canadians, who are holding out for preferred stock in the new entity before they capitulate.
目前它正同加拿大人作战,因为后者坚持在这个新领域购买喜欢的股票并拒绝投降。 hjenglish

Some Canadians, including leaders of immigrant communities, think the government should be less selective.
有些加拿大人,包括移民团体领袖,认为政府不应该那么挑剔。 yeeyan

The problem seems to be especially acute in crowded China, whereas North Americans— especially Canadians— find it easiest to get from home to work.
这个问题似乎在人口大国的中国尤为严重,而北美人士尤其是加拿大人则认为从家赶到公司是一件非常容易的事。 ecocn

THEIR economy is so intertwined with their neighbour’s that when the United States plunged into recession, Canadians assumed they would be dragged along for the ride.
他们的经济与其邻国的经济密不可分,因此当美国深陷衰退时,加拿大人估计他们也会随即进入衰退。 yeeyan

They chartered ships to evacuate Canadians stranded in Lebanon when war broke out between Israel and Hizbullah in2006.
2006年以色列与真主党的战争爆发后,他们还租船帮助被困在黎巴嫩的加拿大人撤离。 ecocn

When Canadians think of the north nowadays it is often to worry about the changing climate bringing interlopers.
而今,当加拿大人一提到北方地区,总不免担心气候的变化会带来入侵者。 ecocn

Yet polls suggest that Canadians, still grappling with the after-effects of recession, do not want another election.
但是民调显示,加拿大人在经济危机中挣扎的同时,并不太想再进行一次大选。 ecocn

Canadians can send letters with personalized postage stamps showing their own photos on each stamp.
加拿大人可以邮寄个人化的邮票,而且可以把自己的照片粘在邮票上。 i21st




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