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词汇 Canadian dollar
释义 Canadian dollar

the basic unit of money in Canada;

the Canadian dollar has the image of loon on one side of the coin

近义词 loonie加拿大一元硬币…
TheCanadian dollarhas plunged five cents in value.加拿大元贬值5分。
TheCanadian dollargained steam Tuesday after Quebec election results squelched the odds of separation.魁北克的选举结果抑制了魁北克独立的势头导致加币星期二上涨。
Our economy is so dependent on the US already that the value of theCanadian dollarrelative to the US dollar moves in lockstep with the Dow.我们的经济已经深深的依附于美国了,加元的市值总是和随着陶氏公司而起落的美元而起伏。
Tour fares are in Canadian Dollar, excluding 10% tax and air. Child sharing twin room with 2 adults without extra bed.上列费用均以加币每位计算另税10%,机票另计。小童与2成人同房不佔床计。
Unfortunately, the high value of theCanadian dollarleaves us with no other choice,” said Daniel Archambault, senior VP, Publication Papers.不幸的是,高附加值的加元兑美元留给我们没有别的选择, “丹尼尔说,阿,高级副总裁,出版论文。
Australia's dollar hit its firmest level in 18 years this year, and theCanadian dollarhas risen 30% against its American counterpart in the last three years.今年,澳大利亚元达到了18年来的最坚挺水平;在过去三年里,加拿大元相对于美元升值了30%。




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