词汇 | 马首是瞻 |
释义 | 马首是瞻 辨形“瞻”,不能写作“詹”。 辨析马首是瞻与“唯命是从”有别:马首是瞻含有褒义;而“唯命是从”多为贬义。 辨形“瞻”,不能写作“詹”。 辨析马首是瞻与“唯命是从”有别:马首是瞻含有褒义;而“唯命是从”多为贬义。 苟偃原以为十二国联军攻秦。秦军一定会惊慌失措。不料景公已经得知联军心不齐,士气不振,所以毫不胆怯,并不想求和。苟偃没有办法,只得准备打仗,他向全军将领发布命令说:“明天早晨。鸡一叫就开始驾马套车出发。各军都要填平水井,拆掉炉灶。作战的时候,全军将土都要看我的马头来定行动的方向。我奔向那里,大家就跟着奔向那里。” 想不到苟偃的下军将领认为,苟偃这佯指令,大专横了,反感他说:“晋国从未下过这样的命令,为什么要听他的?好,他马头向西,我偏要向东。” 将领的副手说:“他是我们的头,我听他的。”于是也率领自己的队伍朝东而去:这样一来,全军顿时混乱起来。 苟偃失去了下军,仰天叹道:“既然下的命令不能执行,就不会有取胜的希望,一交战肯定让秦军得到好处。”他只好下令将全军撤回去。 【注意】常以唯……马首是瞻的形式出现。马首前所加为追随或听从的对象。 反义词 But if nothing else, the regulatory scrutiny seems to have emboldened computer- makers, which were previously wary of offending Intel, to become cosier with AMD. Even if everything dictionary at hand, we can not only lead them. Even if corporate headquarters never leave Michigan, Detroit's GM seems destined to wind up as an appendage to a China-centric company. One of the60 votes the Democrats are counting on is that of Joe Leiberman, the Connecticut senator who sits as an independent but who usually takes the Democratic whip. For now, our Ponzi-style economy and its policy remedies encourage bond investors to mimic Uncle Sam and its global compatriots. Similarly, let's assume that you lived in a strongly patriarchal society and every family in the United States conveniently consisted of ten members. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. It told the world that the people of this new country would no longer answer to a European ruler. The Moderates, who followed Locke and Newton, were conservative and more at home than the Radicals in the hierarchical and deeply religious world of18th- century Europe. The customer service rep's story may begin with who was offended, while the journalist may follow a lead based on what happened. Old- Japan firms generally retain a promotion and wage structure based on tenure rather than performance, and resist hiring from outside, preferring to groom talent internally. Some Chinese argue that, now their country is strong, it no longer needs to kowtow to American power. Hence Federal Reserve chairmen and members can’t just thumb their nose at Congress. He is the only star in Shanxi Zhongyu, in a sense, and all the other players could follow him, and the issue could be resolved. Philosophically, America’s Commission on International Religious Freedoma bipartisan body that advises Congress and the White House is in step with the Obama mood. Chinese diplomats complain that the Lee Myung-bak administration favors only Washington and gives them short shrift. It no longer idolises America, or sees itself as part of a messianic consolidation of freedom, justice and prosperity in the post- Soviet neighbourhood. One of the general's problems is that he is surrounded by corrupt officers and“ Yes” men. Israel's interest is accordingly to stick closely to the policies of the United States. You should tell the service provider what is important to you, not the other way around. Until now, Indonesia has followed their lead, only to sink ever deeper into the mire. |
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