单词 |
馬流 |
释义 |
馬流 mǎ liú古民族名。相传为汉马援南征所率将士的后代。 2.猴子。 3.游手好闲的人;二流子。马来人。马文渊立两桐柱于林邑,岸北有遗兵家十余家。不反,居寿冷岸南而对桐柱。悉姓马,自相婚姻,交州以其流寓,号曰:『马流』。《云麓漫钞.卷五》也作「马留」。猴子。北人谚语曰:『胡孙为马流』。《云麓漫钞.卷五》 我把你这个大胆的马流,村愚的赤尻!《西游记.第一五回》也作「马留」。马流 |
随便看 |
- Perceptions,Loudness
- Perception,Social
- perceptions of athletes
- perceptions of organizational politics
- perceptions on head sketch teaching
- Perception,Space
- Perception,Speech
- Perceptions,Pitch
- Perceptions,Self
- Perceptions,Size
- Perceptions,Social
- Perceptions,Space
- Perceptions,Subliminal
- Perceptions the U.S
- Perceptions,Time
- perception study
- Perception,Subliminal
- Perceptions,Visual
- Perceptions,Weight
- Perception system
- perception test
- Perception Test,Color
- Perception Tests,Color
- perception theory
- perception threshold