

单词 飘洋过海
释义 飘洋过海 piāo yáng guò hǎi 常用成语
travel far away across the sea渡过海洋。多指去异国他乡或远处。繁体飄洋過海近义远涉重洋;漂洋过海飘洋过海到外国土地。
To cross the sea to any foreign soil. fanyicn.net

Mr Paulson may yet have some imitators across the pond. ecocn

Bothwell went over the sea, and died in a prison in Denmark. ebigear

But now it appears to have drifted across the Atlantic. hjenglish

Galileo hit on the idea in 1639, when he showed that a falling object behaves the same way on a moving ship as it does in a motionless building. xiaoshuo

While there is every6 Americans has a fear of flying, but Gates will not take the ship across the ocean to China to promote his software.106yiyuan

Roosevelt, with his experience as Assistant Secretary of War during WWI, understood the importance of what was going on across the seas. lwdx123

We sincerely hope that these excellent products unique to Hokkaido will be delivered to as many people as possible beyond the seas. dousanhin

Nonetheless, we await your arrival and look forward to seeing you on the other side of our planet, across the seas and twelve time zones away. nsfz

Even in the Middle Ages only the most daring went to lands beyond the sea. ebigear

Dozens of talented musicians across the seas to bring the pure Latin music. gewara

His calligraphy and painting receives many friend's affections, his picture sails across the seas to places such as Japan, Singapore, US, Taiwan. kuaiding123

Our house had been in mama's family since her grandpa's grandpa's grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago, something like that. oolove

A case in point is Jose Rizal, the founder of modern Philippines whose ancestors migrated there from Fujian, China, some300 years ago. jukuu

The Pilgrims who sailed to this country aboard the mayflower were originally members of the English Separatist Church.6to23

因此,巨无霸公司自然会把中国当成最佳投资地点。这样一来,我的五美元,便与美国大兵的 QE2美元一道,飘洋过海,在上海的某个地方修建起一座写字楼。
So Mega-Multinational may well decide that the best investment is to send my five dollars along with the Marine private's QE2 money across the sea to construct a new office park in Shanghai. yeeyan

They accordingly went overseas to the Varangian Rus: these particular Varangians were known as Rus, just as some are called Swedes, and others Normans. myoops

Promised and married to a husband she's never met, Fusang is kidnapped from her tea-growing village in the mountains and shipped to San Francisco. yeeyan

That's all they had for transportation, and there were no ocean-crossing ships, so there were real physical barriers to going to the whole world. ebigear

It's said that the Eight Immortals got drunk here before flying across the ocean. hicoo

Father will come to his babe in the nest, Silver sails all out of the west Under the silver moon; diandian

At one end of the party are some undaunted neocons, keen still to slay monsters across the seas. ecocn.org




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