

单词 camping
释义 camp·ing 英'kæmpɪŋ美'kæmpɪŋ 牛COCA¹⁰⁴⁵⁷BNC¹⁵³¹⁶iWeb⁴⁴⁶⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

the act of encamping and living in tents in a campcamping site野营地campsite露营地camp野营mountain camping山地露营camping mat帐篷垫
蒋争熟词记忆camp露营-ing名词后缀⇒野营;露营camp露营-ing名词后缀⇒野营;露营近义词 tenting隆起encampment设营bivouacking露营

用作名词Camping in summer is just what I have in mind.夏日野营正是我心里想的。
All hiscampinggear was packed in the rucksack.他的野营物品全都放在背囊里了。
The boys have decided to gocampingnext week.男孩子们已决定下个星期去露营。
I wentcampingwith my friends last Sunday.上星期天我和朋友一起去露营。 Read the small print before you rush out to buy a tent, then read this gem of a book while you are sitting outside it enjoying the fine art of camping.
在你匆促地跑去买帐篷之前请先读这个小册子,然后当你坐在帐篷外享受着露营的精艺美妙时,品读这本质如美玉的书吧! ecocn

The students became disillusioned about the romance of camping once the heavy rains collapsed their tent.

There are many inconveniences that you have to put up with when you are camping.

Becky and John enjoyed camping in our big national forests on their vacations.
贝基和约翰喜欢假期中去我们广袤的国家森林野营。 edu.sina.com.cn

But I certainly was: I packed up my dog, some camping gear and my camera.
但我肯定的是:我要带上我的狗、一些野营装备和我的相机。 yeeyan

Can we go camping this summer?
我们今年夏天可以去露营吗? kekenet

Caravanning holidays have also had a boost; the Camping and Caravanning Club reports that business this summer is up by almost a third.
宿营车度假也有增长;露营和宿营俱乐部报告说今年夏天这种出游方式上升了三分之一。 ecocn

Elites in the media and our political system are now attempting to foist the same responsibility to those camping in Zuccotti Park.
媒体和政治体制内的精英们现在打算把这个责任推到那些在祖科蒂公园露营的人们身上。 yeeyan

I have fun because camping is different!
我感到很快乐,因为野营是不同的! hjenglish

I like to go camping with my family.
我喜欢和我的家里人去野营。 hjenglish

If you go camping you'll have to rough it.

If you prefer a motel and pool over camping, compromise.
如果你喜欢酒店和泳池超过露营,那想办法妥协。 yeeyan

In Scotland, wild camping is legal in most cases when practiced well away from property and roads.
在苏格兰,只要远离不动产和道路,野营在绝大多数情况下是合法的。 yeeyan

Last year the Nenets arrived at a regular summer camping spot and discovered that half of their lake had disappeared.
去年,涅涅茨人去到一个定期的夏季露营点后,发现他们的湖泊有一半已经消失了。 yeeyan

Once they went camping with friends who had moved to Alaska.
有一次,他们和几个搬到阿拉斯加的朋友去野营。 edu.sina.com.cn

Our family went camping last summer, so we had to buy a new tent.
今年夏天,我们全家去露营,所以我们不得不买了一个新帐篷。 ebigear

Our family went camping last summer. So we had to buy a new tent.
去年夏天我们全家去露营,所以我们不得不买一个新帐篷。 ebigear

Products in this category include bicycles, trailers, camping equipment, hunting and fishing equipment, sports equipment, boats, photographic equipment and supplies.
这一类产品包括自行车、野营装备、打猎和钓鱼装备、运动装备、游船、照相设备和日常用品。 yeeyan

We will go camping if the weather is nice.
如果天气好的话,我们就去露营。 hxen

When I go camping, I sleep in a sleeping bag.
当我去野营的时候,我睡在睡袋里。 hjenglish

When I go camping, we stay in a tent.
当我去野营的时候,我们呆在帐篷里。 hjenglish

When we go camping, I hike in the woods.
当我们去野营的时候,我在树林里步行。 hjenglish

When we go camping, I sing by the campfire.
当我们去野营的时候,我在营火边歌唱。 hjenglish

When we go camping, I wash in cold water from the stream.
当我们去野营的时候,我用小溪中的凉水洗漱。 hjenglish

When we go camping, my dad catches fish from the stream.
当我们去野营的时候,我的爸爸从小溪里抓鱼。 hjenglish

When we go camping, my mom cooks over a campfire.
当我们去野营的时候,我的妈妈在营火上做饭。 hjenglish




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