词汇 | 风声鹤唳 |
释义 | 风声鹤唳 辨形“唳”,不能写作“戾”。 辨析风声鹤唳和“草木皆兵”都可形容内心恐惧;疑神疑鬼。常可通用或连用。但当强调一听到声音就惊恐万状时;用风声鹤唳;当强调看到草木就恐惧万分时;宜用“草木皆兵”。 辨形“唳”,不能写作“戾”。 辨析风声鹤唳和“草木皆兵”都可形容内心恐惧;疑神疑鬼。常可通用或连用。但当强调一听到声音就惊恐万状时;用风声鹤唳;当强调看到草木就恐惧万分时;宜用“草木皆兵”。 德文leicht aus der Fassung geraten überall Gefahren wittern 苻坚认为自己兵多将广,有足够的把握战胜晋军。他把兵力集结在寿阳今安徽寿县东的淝水边,等后续大军到齐,再向晋军发动进攻。 为了以少胜多,谢玄施出计谋,派使者到秦营,向秦军的前锋建议道:“贵军在淝水边安营扎寨,显然是为了持久作战,而不是速战速决。如果贵军稍向后退,让我军渡过淝水决战,不是更好吗?”秦军内部讨论时,众将领都认为,坚守淝水,晋军不能过河。待后续大军抵达,即可彻底击溃晋军。因此不能接受晋军的建议。 但是,苻坚求胜心切,不同意众将领的意见,说:“我军只要稍稍后退,等晋军一半过河,一半还在渡河时,用精锐的骑兵冲杀上去,我军肯定能大获全胜!” 于是,秦军决定后退。苻坚没有料到,秦军是临时拼凑起来的,指挥不统一,一接到后退的命令,以为前方打了败仗,慌忙向后溃逃。谢玄见敌军渍退,指挥部下快速渡河杀敌。秦军在溃退途中,丢弃了兵器和盔甲,一片混乱,自相践踏而死的不计其数。那些侥幸逃脱晋军追击的士兵,一路上听到呼呼的风声和鹤的鸣叫声,都以为晋军又追来了,于是不顾白天黑夜,拼命地奔逃。就这样,晋军取得了“淝水之战”的重大胜利。 【注意】注意唳读lì。 反义词 “ Apprehensive” after the catastrophe is always rooted in the hearts in each corner of the jittery, shouted at the end of each. Jittery citizens mobbed Tehran’s currency dealers, desperate to buy dollars before another fall. Ford noted that it, along with Toyota and Honda, were the only companies in the top six that increased their market share in the horrible fourth quarter. The financial system has been strained, but it has not broken down. They became“gun- shy, ” says David Schwartz, the director of the Centre for Gaming Research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. There were rumors of unfathomable things, and because we could not fathom them we failed to believe them— until we had no choice and it was too late. A finance-ministry official involved in drawing up bank- resolution legislation notes dryly that even talking about the subject may spook investors. Banks depend on nervy depositors and wholesale lenders. The Franco- Belgian bank was forced last week to seek a massive government bailout as it saw its short-term funding pulled by jittery money market funds. The two financial firms are widely expected to post weak third quarter earnings in the coming days thanks to the spooked capital markets and sour trading environment. These are groups of viruses between them fuelled much of the alarmism of the'diseases are coming' publishing boom of the mid-1990s. His representative works include Moment in Peking, A Leaf in the Storm, The Vermillion Gate, Between Tears and Laughter, My Country and My People, etc. Downgrades can also be trigger events in financial contracts, like credit default swaps, that force money to change hands between parties; and they have historically spooked markets. |
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