词汇 | 颠扑不破 |
释义 | 颠扑不破 辨析颠扑不破和“牢不可破”;都有“很坚固;不能损坏”的意思;但在用法上区别明显。颠扑不破偏重在“绝对正确;无可辩驳”;多用于真理;学说;原则;原理;理论或事实等方面;“牢不可破”偏重在“极其坚固;无法摧毁”;多在友谊;团结;联盟等方面。 辨析颠扑不破和“牢不可破”;都有“很坚固;不能损坏”的意思;但在用法上区别明显。颠扑不破偏重在“绝对正确;无可辩驳”;多用于真理;学说;原则;原理;理论或事实等方面;“牢不可破”偏重在“极其坚固;无法摧毁”;多在友谊;团结;联盟等方面。 法文irréfutableirrécusable 俄文непрелóжный 德文unwiderlegbar unbestreitbar 【注意】含褒义。 反义词 The “ irrefutable” commentary is the application in news commentary of“reduction to absurdity” in comedy and the caricature in arts. This philosophy of shaping according to the changes on the battleground was true of ancient wars, and is still applicable today. Moral principle is a compass forever fixed and forever true. And that is as important in business as it is in the classroom. Since parents are the earliest models, they hold an indestructible place in a child's heart. How much wisdom does a child have to judge whether or not his parents are at fault? The findings she sets forth, once thought of as provocative and implausible, are now regarded as irrefutable by folklorists and scholars in related fields. You know, classic sort of economics: There's money to be made when you can remove friction from transactions. It is an irrefutable law of art that there is no drama without conflicts. But here’s the bare truth: we will miss out, no matter what. Were there no such superior laws, physics would be impossible as an exact science over any sufficiently long period. You know everything in this world has two sides of popularity and specialty, this is the truth, and it can be true also in martial arts. This was really irrefutable evidence. Knowledge is wealth, knowledge is power, and knowledge is the source of economic and scientific development. This is an irrefutable truth. As subjective education was put forward, it seems that it has become a self evident and irrefutable truth. |
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