

单词 campaigned
释义 cam·paign·ed 英kæm'peɪn美kæm'peɪn COCA²²⁶⁰⁸BNC²¹⁴⁰⁵Economist⁵⁴⁵⁸

series of planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim


series of military operations with a particular aim

a race between candidates for elective office;

I managed his campaign for governor

he is raising money for a Senate run

a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end;

he supported populist campaigns

they worked in the cause of world peace

the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant

the movement to end slavery

contributed to the war effort

several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal usually within geographical and temporal constraintsan overland journey by hunters especially in Africa
run, stand, or compete for an office or a position;

Who's running for treasurer this year?

exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;

The liberal party pushed for reforms

She is crusading for women's rights

The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate

go on a campaign; go off to war
campaign, movement


We've started a movement against drug-taking.我们开展了一场反吸毒的运动。
The country launched a national campaign against corruption.那个国家发起了一场全国性的反贪污运动。

2.与movement相比, campaign的目标更单一、持续的时间较短,但可能具有更大的轰动性。


In his campaign speech he blasted the opposition.他在竞选演说中猛烈地抨击他的对手。
The campaign succeeded and he won the election.他在竞选中获胜。battle,war,campaign,struggle,warfare,fight,combat,engagement










用作名词 n.
动词+~begin〔launch, start〕 a campaign发起运动carry on〔conduct, make〕 a campaign开展运动map out a campaign制定作战计划organize〔promote, sponsor, take part in〕 a campaign组织〔促进,赞助,参加〕一场运动plan a campaign筹划战役形容词+~bloody campaign流血的战役money-raising campaign募捐运动political campaign政治运动speaking campaign游说运动weak〔long〕 campaign无活力〔长期〕的运动active campaign积极的运动educational campaign教育运动名词+~safety〔sales〕 campaign安全〔销售〕活动health campaign卫生运动whirlwind campaign速决战election campaign竞选活动~+名词campaign chest〔fund〕竞选用资金〔专款〕campaign headquarters竞选运动总部campaign medal战功奖章~+后置定语campaign to curb alcoholism抑制酗酒的运动campaign to increase production增产运动~+介词campaign against反…的运动campaigns during the civil war国内战争中的战役campaign for争取…的运动
近义词 actioneffortoffensiveoperation
用作名词n.They launched a new campaign against corruption.他们发动了新的反贪污运动。
He is the leader of the campaign.他是这场战役的领导人。


用作名词Thecampaignwas a blockbuster.这次竞选运动声势浩大。
They are planning a newcampaignagainst corruption.他们正在策划一个新的反贪污运动。
Thecampaignto seize the city was a failure.攻占这个城市的战役失败了。
We were outmanoeuvred and outfought throughout the wintercampaign.我们在整个冬季战役中始终不如对手。
I hope you are all geared up for the mew salescampaign.我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
He fell on a miserable setback in the commercialcampaign.他在商务活动中惨遭挫折。
The presidentialcampaignwas in full swing.总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。用作动词He announced that he wouldcampaignfor the senate.他宣布他将参加议员竞选。
We havecampaignedagainst whaling for the last 15 years.我们最近15年一直参加反对捕鲸的运动。
We arecampaigningagainst corruption in government.我们在政府中正开展反贪污运动。
They arecampaigningto save the area from building development.他们正开展一场反对在这个地区进行房地产开发的运动。 For ten years he was exiled, but came back strongly, and campaigned village- to- village for the presidency like an American congressman.
十年来,他被流放过,但是他又依然回来了,而且像竞选美国国会议员一样从一个村庄到村庄。 ecocn

Having campaigned as if the assembly election were a plebiscite on his rule, Mr Chavez this week said it was “ not about me”.
查韦斯的竞选活动似乎表明,议会选举是对其统治的一个公民投票。本周,查韦斯称“这不是关于我的选举”。 ecocn

Meanwhile, Republican John McCain campaigned in Florida on Friday, another key battleground or swing state where both campaigns are very competitive.
同在星期五,共和党人麦凯恩在佛罗里达州展开竞选,这又是一个战场州,双方的竞争激烈。 ebigear

The candidates for president campaigned by sending out letters to voters and speaking at public meeting.
总统候选人通过向选民发信和群众集会上讲演来竞选。 examw

Both candidates campaigned Monday on the issues of change and the economy.
两位候选人在星期一的竞选活动中都强调改变和经济问题。 ebigear

But the SD, which campaigned to cut immigration by up to 90% and crack down on crime, says it is as respectable as anyone else.
但是在竞选中宣称要将移民量降低近90%并打击犯罪的瑞典民主党却认为自己党派应获得同等尊重。 ecocn

Democratic candidate Barack Obama campaigned in Colorado and described the situation on Wall Street as the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the1930s.
民主党总统候选人奥巴马在科罗拉多竞选时,称华尔街局势为1930年代经济大萧条以来最严重的金融危机。 ebigear

Democrats campaigned in 2006 to “ clean up the swamp” in Washington.
民主党2006年竞选口号就是在华盛顿“清理污垢”。 yeeyan

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has not campaigned much in Iowa, even though he has led the Republican field in national polls for months.
前纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利安尼没有在爱荷华进行过多的竞选活动,虽然在共和党内,他在国家民意调查已经领先了数月。 hjenglish

Having campaigned against the war in Iraq while emphasising the need to do more in Afghanistan, Mr Obama will face a continuing temptation to end the former war while reinforcing the latter.
奥巴马在竞选时一面反对伊拉克战争,一面强调美国在阿富汗还有不少工作要做,在终结美伊战争的同时,他还要面对新的诱惑-增兵阿富汗。 ecocn

He has campaigned with more style, intelligence and discipline than his opponent.
在竞选战争中,他表现出了比对手更佳的智慧、纪律和风格。 ecocn

I campaigned on Long Island and in Westchester County, where I now live.
我还在长岛和西切斯特县展开竞选活动,现在我住在这里。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, I campaigned in California, hoping to complete my fight for the nomination in Jerry Brown’s home state.
与此同时,我在加利福尼亚州开展了竞选活动,希望以胜利完成战斗,在杰里.布朗的老家获得提名权。 yeeyan

Michelle Obama has campaigned with gusto, as have a long list of female Democrats.
奥巴马夫人以及一众民主党女性成员积极投入了竞选活动。 ecocn

Mr Arias campaigned hard for the accord, but only narrowly won a referendum on it in 2007.
阿里亚斯先生艰难地为此协议竞选,但只勉强赢得了2007年的全民公决。 ecocn

Obama campaigned Friday in the Midwest state of Iowa.
奥巴马周五在中西部的爱奥华州竞选。 ebigear

Obama campaigned Friday in the southern state of Virginia, which last voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in1964.
奥巴马星期五在维吉尼亚州的南部竞选,该地区上次选举了民主党人当总统是在1964年。 www.voanews.com.cn

Obama campaigned Saturday in the Northwestern city of Bend, Oregon, and again said he would end the Iraq war as soon as possible.
奥巴马星期六在俄勒冈州西北部城市本德展开竞选活动。他再次表示将会尽快结束伊拉克战争。 ebigear

On Wednesday, Barack Obama campaigned in North Carolina, a state that last supported a Democratic presidential candidate in1976.
星期三,奥巴马在北卡罗来纳竞选,这个州上次还是在1976年支持民主党总统候选人的。 kekenet

President Obama, a Democrat, campaigned on a theme of change, inspiring millions of people both at home and abroad.
奥巴马总统是民主党人。他的竞选主题“变革”激励了数百万海内外的民众。 kekenet

She has received the backing of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, which previously campaigned for the Republican who represented the area until 2008.
她已经获得了全国维护社会保障和医疗保险委员会的支持,此前该组织为共和党竞选,在2008年前共和党是该地区的代表。 ecocn

She subsequently campaigned for him in the1980 race, but there was never any real reconciliation, and they eventually entered divorce proceedings.
虽然她此后还参与他1980年的总统竞选运动,但两人并未真正重归于好,最终他们还是进入了离婚程序。 ecocn

Since Senator Fulbright campaigned only every six years, we just hoped all the folks listed in Parkers black notebook were still alive and kicking.
由于富布赖特参议员每六年才竞选一次,我们都希望帕克在黑笔记本里记录的所有乡亲都还健在。 yeeyan

Small- government conservatives fume, yet this is what Mr Obama victoriously campaigned on and, at least in the case of health care, what Americans seem to want.
小政府主义保守派对此表示愤怒,然而这正是奥巴马竞选获胜的基础,至少在医疗保障这一项目上,美国人似乎是乐于接受的。 ecocn




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