

单词 camouflaged
释义 cam·ou·flage·d 英'kæməflɑːʒ美'kæməflɑːʒ 高COCA⁴⁷⁶¹⁸BNC⁴⁷⁵⁴¹iWeb³⁷²²⁰Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
an outward semblance that misrepresents the true nature of something;

the theatrical notion of disguise is always associated with catastrophe in his stories

fabric dyed with splotches of green and brown and black and tan; intended to make the wearer of a garment made of this fabric hard to distinguish from the backgrounddevice or stratagem for concealment or deceitthe act of concealing the identity of something by modifying its appearance;

he is a master of disguise

disguise by camouflaging; exploit the natural surroundings to disguise something;

The troops camouflaged themselves before they went into enemy territory

camouflage clothing伪装衣camouflage net伪装网radar camouflage防雷达伪装anti-radar camouflage反雷达伪装radio camouflage无线电伪装acoustic camouflage音响伪装night-fighter camouflage夜航战斗机伪装…infrared camouflage红外伪装electronic camouflage电子伪装camouflage discipline伪装纪律camouflage paint覆面漆,盖面涂料,变…protection camouflage防护伪装
近义词 hide藏mask伪装veil面纱cloak斗蓬shade阴影camo伪装的conceal隐藏varnish油漆disguise掩饰cover-up掩饰pretense借口obscure难解的concealment隐匿smoke screen烟幕masquerade化妆舞会

用作名词They used branches of trees ascamouflage.他们用树枝做伪装。
The animal's markings provide effectivecamouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。
Interestingly, Jaguar has attempted to disguise the prototype as a BMW, even adopting the same psychedeliccamouflagematerial as its German rival.有趣的是,捷豹一直试图掩饰的原型作为一个宝马,即使采用同样的迷幻伪装材料作为其德国竞争对手。
Some of them even wore them with theircamouflagecombat smocks.有些人还穿着迷彩服佩带勋章。
Teams of paramilitaries incamouflagegear search through cars and stop lorries.身着迷彩服的准军事小组搜索车辆,并阻拦货车。用作动词They used branches of trees ascamouflage.他们用树枝做伪装。
The animal's markings provide effectivecamouflage.这种动物身上的斑纹是很有效的伪装。adj.masked
同义词 covered,disguised,hiddencovered up
反义词 bare,exposed,open,revealed,uncovered
concealedadjective hidden, secret
buriedcachedcovered,covered up,covert,enshrouded,guarded,holed up,hush-hush,hushed up,incog,incognito,inconspicuous,masked,obscure,obscured,perdu,planted,privy,put in the hole,recondite,screened,secreted,shroudedstashedtucked away,ulterior,under wraps,unseen,veiled
coveredadjective provided with a cover
covertadjective clandestine, underhanded
buried,camouflaged,cloaked,concealed,disguised,dissembled,furtive,hidden,hush-hush,incog,incognito,masked,obscured,on the Q.T.,private,privy,secret,shrouded,stealthy,sub-rosa,surreptitious,ulterior,under wraps,under-the-table,undercover,underhand,unsuspected,veiled
disguisedadjective unrecognizable
huggermuggeradjective secret
backdoor,backstairs,camouflaged,clandestine,classified,cloak-and-dagger,close,confidential,covert,cryptic,discreet,disguised,dissembled,dissimulated,furtive,hush-hush,in ambush,incognito,inside,restricted,secretive,sly,sneak,sneaky
incognitoadjective in disguise
anonymous,bearded,camouflaged,concealed,disguised,hidden,incog,isolated,masked,masquerading,obscure,under assumed name,unknown,unrecognized And it is only Mr Murdoch’s diversification many years ago into television and the internet that has camouflaged what a poor financial investment it was to buy the Journal.
Murdoch通过多年前在电视业和互联网业的多样化投资伪装了一个在购买 WSJ时的不佳的财务状况。 ecocn

But that prosperity camouflaged a steadily weakening manufacturing base, unlike in Germany, where the industrial sector is a relative counterweight to the outsize problems of financial firms.
经济的繁荣掩饰了实际上已经日益衰弱的制造业,这与德国不同,在德国制造业是一个可以与金融产业相抗衡的产业。 yeeyan

By using the camouflaged end of its tongue to pretend to be a smaller, cuter creature, the tempter caused Mace to reach into the knothole, where it proceeded to snag his arm.
怪兽的舌尖带有伪装色,看起来像一个小巧可爱的生物,它把梅斯诱到洞边,在梅斯伸手进去的时候猛地咬住他的手臂。 starwarschina

Designed by Hein- Troy Architects, this green house almost seems camouflaged within its environment.
由海因,特洛伊建筑师设计,这个绿色的房子几乎伪装似乎在其环境。 i-guider

It can be useful to filter out external stimuli if you are writing an email in a noisy coffee shop, for example, or are searching for a camouflaged insect in a rainforest.
例如,要是你在在嘈杂的咖啡馆里写一封电子邮件或在雨林里搜寻一只伪装的昆虫,能过滤掉外部的刺激就很有用。 yeeyan

Unless one has a minimum of military knowledge, a battlefield witness sees merely a lot of men in camouflaged suits running around and shooting at each other.
对于一个没有军事知识的人来说,他在战场上看到的只有许多身着迷彩服的人跑来跑去彼此开火。 yeeyan

But moths survive by being camouflaged, and ladybugs survive by being conspicuous and telling birds not to eat them.
然而飞蛾通过伪装自己生存,瓢虫却通过引人注目来告诉鸟类不要吃他们。 yeeyan

Conquer your fears, for each of them represents a camouflaged desire.
战胜你的恐惧,因为每一种恐惧都体现了一种伪装了的渴望。 blog.sina.com.cn

First the Russians and South Ossetians fortified a checkpoint on their side of the road with camouflaged dugouts sprouting tricolour flags.
起先俄罗斯人和南奥塞梯人在自己的防区设立边检站,界路的两边满是插满三色旗的迷彩掩体。 ecocn

I camouflaged my embarrassment by just laughing.
我只是笑着来掩饰我的窘态。 iciba

In Suruga Bay a strand of whip coral provides habitat for two shrimps, camouflaged among the polyps.
在骏河湾,一串鞭珊瑚为伪装后藏在珊瑚虫中的两只虾提供了栖息地。 yeeyan

In the two ways, we can evaluate the infrared distortion camouflage effect of the camouflaged target quickly.
通过这个两个方面的计算,可以定量评价出目标变形伪装的红外伪装效果。 cnki

It may be camouflaged, temporarily anesthetized, or denied, but it is the force behind every pursuit of relief and pleasure in specialness.
它可加以伪装或暂时麻痹、予以否认,然而它是每一个寻求特殊性慰藉与乐趣背后的动力。 acimtaiwan

Put him in a crowded room and he would blend into the background, like a camouflaged moth on a tree trunk.
把他放入拥挤的房间,他就会融入背景,就像树干上的伪装蛾。 yeeyan

Stingrays often rest on the seafloor, sometimes partially buried in the sand and color- camouflaged from predators like sharks.
刺鳐经常会在海床上待着不动,有时候身体的一部分还会埋在沙子里,同时依靠身体的色彩伪装来躲避鲨鱼等掠食者的捕猎。 yeeyan

The answers camouflaged the truth.
这些回答掩盖了真相。 yeeyan

The Brookesia chameleon was camouflaged in the leaf litter, but stayed still as they took a photograph.
枯叶属变色龙隐藏在落叶里,一动不动,就像在照相。 yeeyan

The Cooloola Queen drifts away from the jetty but not before the skipper excitedly reports a big brown tree python camouflaged in the limbs of a river red gum.
库罗拉女王号将要驶离码头,此时船长兴奋得告诉我们他发现了一条巨大的棕色树蟒正隐匿在一棵赤桉的树枝上。 yeeyan

The turmoil has exposed problems that had been camouflaged by success.
当前乱象暴露了过去因成功执政而被掩饰的问题。 ecocn

Their military vehicles have been camouflaged.

Using these tools, analysts can more precisely identify ground features such as distinguishing between camouflaged fatigues and trees.
使用这些工具,分析人员可以更精确地识别地面特征,如伪装迷彩服和树木之间的区别。 www.etiri.com.cn

We were just having our lunch when he spotted it camouflaged under a pile of leaves.
当他发现它隐藏在一堆落叶下面的时候,我们正在吃午餐。 yeeyan

We're going to find a shoe that not only is designed to be camouflaged in a desert, but also has been called by God, and is right this moment finding holy reconciliation in the desert?
我们不仅要去寻找一个为沙漠而设计的具有迷彩保护作用的鞋子,而且也是在寻找上苍的感召,可是,此时此刻在这荒漠之中想要言听计从,这适合吗? yeeyan




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