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顾问 gù wèn ★☆☆☆☆n.名词⁰·⁰⁰¹⁹ᴾᵃ⁶²³⁰ 基本例句 consultantadvisercounsellorcounselorconsulteeadvisoradvistercouncilorcounsellorshipcounselorshipbrain truster繁体顧問她先去请教顾问然後再来宣布决定。She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision. 他成了她的高级顾问--你要说是她的副手也未尝不可。He became her senior adviser her deputy, if you will. 请来了专家担当政府顾问。Experts were brought in to advise the Government. 那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师。The spy's cover was that she was a consultant engineer. 所有的顾问当中,只有王先生提了一些中肯的建议。Of all the consultants, only Mr. Wang gave us some proposals in point. 她是婚姻问题的顾问。She is a marriage guidance counselor. 史密斯教授曾做过总统的特别顾问。Professor Smith served as special adviser to the President. 政府顾问被一位较年青的专家挤走了。A government adviser was dethroned by a younger expert. |