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词汇 顾名思义
释义 顾名思义 gù míng sī yì 常用成语
just as the name implies繁体顧名思義近义望文生义辨形“义”,不能写作“意”。
辨析要同“望文生义”分开。“望文生义”指阅读时不领会文字的真正涵义;只按照字面作牵强附会的解释;含贬义;“顾名思义”指看到名称就可想到它的含义;不带感情色彩。一般作独立成分。法文à la vue du nom,on en comprend la signification
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德文dem Namen nach wie schon der Name besagt桂花蝉顾名思义,想是香味如桂花,或因桂花开时乃有,未详。鲁迅《两地书》七七三国时期,魏文帝曹丕的老师王昶为人正直,注重名节,他给儿子;侄子起名时注意用谦实的字,为的是让他们顾名思义,不要做违背名字的事情,如儿子王浑字玄冲,王深字道冲,侄子王默字处静,王沈字处道等。连动式:作谓语;分句;指看到名称就想到所包含的意;中性词。晋 陈寿《三国志 魏志 王昶传》:“故以玄默冲虚为名,欲使汝曹顾名思义,不敢违越也。”解释: 顾:看。看到名称就想到它的含义。《三国志·魏书·王昶传》:“欲使汝曹立身行己,遵儒者之教,履道家之言,故以玄默冲虚为名,欲使汝曹顾名思义,不敢违越也。”
梁实秋《雅舍小品·爆竹》:“爆竹,顾名思义,是把一截竹竿放在火里使之发出爆声。”近义词 望文生义循名责实
暗房,顾名思义,是作为冲洗照片的黑暗房间。A darkroom, as the name suggests, is a dark room used for developing photographs.
国父纪念馆,顾名思义,是建来纪念国父的纪念馆。The Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial, as the name suggests, is a memorial built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.顾名思义,此策略主要在从用户的角度支持高度并发性的应用程序中使用。
As the name implies, this strategy is used primarily in applications that support a high degree of concurrency from a user perspective. ibm

As the name implies, the second method gives you access to the same information, but optimizes performance by turning off caching. ibm

As the name implies, Service Component Architecture is a component model. ibm

As the name suggests, the buffer is implemented in a circular fashion. ibm

As the name implies, pigeon is an awkward pose, and it happens to be the most challenging for me. yeeyan

As the name suggests, the attacker opens the connection only halfway. ibm

Loop quantum gravity can be visualised, as its name suggests, as a mesh of loops. ecocn

Instance-based authorization, as the name implies, is about authorizing access to a specific instance of some object. ibm

As the name suggests, mixers produce output signals with mixed frequencies and are fundamental components of many electronic communications systems. yeeyan

As the name implies, message-oriented middleware is a system that connects components within an enterprise through the use of messages rather than direct commands. ibm

As the name implies, an in- memory database resides entirely in main memory rather than on disk, making data access an order of magnitude faster than with conventional, disk-based databases. ibm

As the name suggests, it draws a line between the two airport markers if they both exist. ibm

As the name implies, they provide a service to clients around the world. ibm

As the name implies, a memory- mapped file maps a file- like construct to an address in memory. infoq

A malfunctioning version of the protein encoded by this gene contributes, as its name suggests, to schizophrenia. ecocn

As the name suggests, cloud computing is an emerging computing technology which uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications accordingly. ibm

As the name implies, this gives you the ability to control how data is packed and unpacked for its trip across the wire. ibm

顾名思义,这是一条用以加载用户名和密码信息的 SQL语句。
As the name suggests, this is an SQL statement to load username and password information. ibm

As the name suggests, this typically means performing authentication. ibm

As its name implies, this utility divides a console window into multiple sections, one section per log file. ibm

As the name implies, this syntax creates the object, or if it exists already, replaces it. ibm

顾名思义,这个特性在 XML模式中使用注释作为映射语言,将 XML文档中的信息映射到关系表。
As the name implies, it uses annotations in the XML schema as the mapping language to map information in an XML document to relational tables. ibm

顾名思义,这个协议是在 IP多播之上构建的;在 IP多播中,一个发送器可以发送一条消息并使多个接收器接收到该消息。
As the name implies, it is built on top of IP multicast, in which one transmitter can send one message and have it be received by more than one receiver. ibm

As the name suggests, this test ensures that different controllers and actions work together as expected. ibm

As the name implies, rather than the device emulation being embedded within the hypervisor, it is instead implemented in user space. ibm

The factory method pattern, as its name implies, defines the implementation of a method used to churn out objects. ibm

As he and his colleagues report in the Journal of Proteome Research, the culprits are glycoproteins—compounds composed, as their name suggests, of sugar and protein. ecocn

It is a necessarily vague description, but as the name suggests an ADC is used to control and manage the way that application traffic is delivered. ibm

The new mode is called guest, and as the name suggests, it's used for execution of guest operating system code or at least some of it. ibm




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