

单词 came up for
释义 came up for短语⁴³⁹⁶⁶
The previous owner was going to close it down, so the opportunity came up for us to take it over.
前任拥有者要把它关掉,于是我们有机会接手。 donews

I came up for an interview but didn't get the job.
我参加了面试,但并没有得到工作。 wlsyy

She drove to the Lindell Hotel, where she had stayed two years ago when she came up for Emil's commencement.
她乘车来到了林德尔旅馆,两年前,她去参加爱弥儿的学位授予典礼,曾在那里经过。 jukuu

Stopping Speaker John Boehner's first plan before it came up for a vote, just a couple of days before D-Day, was the perfect way of showing they might be that crazy.
在表决日期前几天阻止议长约翰博纳的第一个计划成为表决,这是茶党人士体现疯狂的最好方式。 yeeyan




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