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词汇 Cameroon
释义 Cam·e·roon 英ˌkæməˈruːn美ˌkæməˈrun英,kæmə'ru:n; 'kæm- 高Economist⁷⁰¹⁶Economist⁷⁰¹⁶
an inactive volcano in western Cameroon; highest peak on the West African coasta republic on the western coast of central Africa; was under French and British control until 1960近义词 Cameroun喀麦隆非洲西部国家…Republic of Cameroon喀麦隆,喀麦隆共和国…

用作名词Last year's meeting was held inCameroon.上次会议是在喀麦隆举行的。
They live in Africa, fromCameroonto Gabon and Guinea.它们多生活在非洲,喀麦隆和加纳和几内亚。 And there is still plenty about, despite the recent reduction reported in Cameroon and elsewhere.
此外,尽管喀麦隆与其它地区报道非法木材最近有所减少,但仍大量存在。 ecocn

A bilingual secretary from Cameroon, she is immaculately dressed and has the practised deportment of a society debutante.
作为一名来自喀麦隆的双语秘书,她打扮完美,有着社会新人那种久经练习的举止。 yeeyan

But, in test cases brought by men from Cameroon and Iran, three Supreme Court judges unanimously ruled the policy was a breach of the UN Convention on Refugees.
但是,在来自喀麦隆和伊朗男子的判例案件中,三位高级法院法官一致通过的政策却违反了联合国难民公约。 cri

During this trip, which began in Cameroon, the pope has spoken of the need to fight corruption and injustice.
本笃十六世这次非洲行程的第一站是喀麦隆,他在非洲访问期间谈到了打击腐败和不公正的必要性。 iciba

For example, in Cameroon, forest concessions are now allocated through a public auction, independently observed so it’s conducted in accordance with the law.
例如,喀麦隆正通过公开拍卖的形式分配特许使用林区,而拍卖由独立部门监督,以依法进行拍卖。 worldbank

Ghana beats the USA, Argentina beats France, Holland beats Paraguay, Brazil beats Honduras, Italy beats Cameroon and Spain beats Portugal.
加纳胜美国,阿根廷胜法国,荷兰胜巴拉圭,巴西胜洪都拉斯,意大利胜喀麦隆和西班牙胜葡萄牙。 yeeyan

In Ghana and Cameroon this has allowed venal village chiefs to steal logging revenues.
在加纳和喀麦隆,这让贪赃枉法的村长得以窃取伐木收入。 ecocn

In Cameroon this is policy.
在喀麦隆,这是一种政策。 ecocn

Studies in countries such as Ghana and Cameroon suggest many girls at secondary school miss a week of classes when they have their period, or drop out altogether when they reach puberty.
在加纳和喀麦隆等国家开展的研究显示,许多女中学生在例假期间一个星期不去上学,当她们进入青春期,有的甚至辍了学。 yeeyan

Surveys in Cameroon, Congo, Eritrea and Mozambique have found a very high prevalence levels of risk factors for these diseases.
在喀麦隆、刚果、厄立特里亚和莫桑比克进行的调查发现,导致这些疾病的危险因素流行率极高。 who

The Bank will be looking to scale- up the technology and replicate it in diverse forest areas, from Cameroon to Malaysia.
世行将扩大这种技术的使用范围,并将在不同的森林地区从喀麦隆到马来西亚复制这个项目。 worldbank

This law was a deciding factor in the World Bank Group’s original support for the Chad- Cameroon Oil Pipeline.
此项法律是世界银行集团本来为乍得-喀麦隆输油管项目提供支持的一个决定因素。 worldbank

Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tie at third from bottom.
喀麦隆、莫桑比克和加篷处在第三梯队。 yeeyan

Cameroon and Chad have not reported any cases.
喀麦隆和乍得尚未报告任何病例。 who




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