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词汇 cameron
释义 cameron
According to David Cameron, the leader of the Conservatives, London will— at least if he becomes prime minister— be the capital of a freshly responsible nation.
保守党领袖戴维•卡梅伦坚信,伦敦将会成为一个“新兴的负责任的大国”的首都——至少如果他能当首相会是如此。 ecocn

And British society, Cameron tells us, abhors that kind of behaviour.
按卡梅伦说的,英国社会痛恨那样的行为。 yeeyan

David Cameron should have worried when the interviewer began their radio chat by saying how glad she was to have“ such a handsome guest”.
当采访者开始他们的收音机谈话说到她有多高兴邀请到这样一位英俊的嘉宾时,大卫•卡梅伦本应担心。 ecocn

“ This is criminality pure and simple, and it has to be confronted and defeated,” Cameron told reporters from outside his residence at10 Downing Street.
“这是纯粹的又简单的犯罪行为; 我们必须正视它,并打败它”,卡梅伦在唐宁街10号他的官邸外告诉记者。 yeeyan

But in a shift of position for the Tories, Cameron said the merger had been a mistake, even though he voted for it only four months ago.
但是由于保守党地位摇摆不定,卡梅伦表示即使他四个月前对两行合并投了赞同票,但两行合并是个错误。 yeeyan

But the polls show that David Cameron and Mr Osborne are far more trusted to run the economy than him and Mr Miliband.
但是民意调查显示,人民相信大卫卡梅伦和奥斯陆较之约翰逊和米利班德,在经济上会更有作为。 ecocn

But this week it became big news in Britain, after David Cameron declared Gordon Brown “ not the most appropriate person” to run the IMF.
但是这个星期在大卫卡梅伦声称戈登布朗并不是最合适的人选来管理 IMF之后却成为大新闻。 yeeyan

But Cameron, watching from the Opposition benches, took it all in.
但从反对派来看,卡梅伦接受了这一切。 yeeyan

David Cameron agreed that corporate greed should be curbed, and said the archbishop spoke“ for the whole country” in saying so.
戴维-卡梅伦同意要抑制金融企业的贪心,并且说了大主教讲过的“为了整个国家”这样的话。 ecocn

David Cameron might have been an exception.
大卫卡梅隆可能是一个例外。 yeeyan

Earlier this month, Cameron said cuts were an“ issue of leadership and the burden had to be shared fairly, including by the rich and powerful”.
本月早些时候,卡梅伦说削减是“领导阶层的问题,这一重担应公平分担,那些富有而有权势的人也应承担”。 yeeyan

First, as David Cameron argued last month, the broad parameters of privacy and press freedom should be decided by Parliamentarians, rather than by judges.
首先,如大卫.卡梅伦上个月指出的,隐私权和媒体自由度的规范纲要应由国会议员来决定,而非法官。 yeeyan

He praised David Cameron for seeing that the “ national interest” demanded coalition with the Liberal Democrats.
他赞扬大卫卡梅隆,因为他洞察到“国家利益”要求保守党与自民党联合。 ecocn

In Britain this week David Cameron announced yet another reorganisation of the National Health Service.
在英国,大卫•卡梅隆本周宣布了改组国家卫生署的另一项措施。 ecocn

OF ALL the politicians elected to high office in the West in the past few years, David Cameron seemed the least revolutionary.
在西方世界过去几年里被选为高级官员的所有政治家中,戴维.卡梅伦看起来是最不具有革命性的。 ecocn

Only with the accession of the centrist David Cameron in 2005 did the party begin to recover as he set about changing its rhetoric.
直到中间派的戴维•卡梅伦2005年当选党魁并开始改变其夸夸其谈的风格,保守党才开始恢复元气。 ecocn

UK Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama have, once again, underlined the importance of bilateral relations, referring to their ties as special and essential.
英国首相大卫卡梅伦和美国总统奥巴马再一次强调双边关系的重要性,指出他们的关系是特殊而且是必要的。 hxen

Cameron has defended himself from accusations that he has borrowed from other writers in the past, a claim made after the release of his Terminator films and Titanic.
尽管以往也有种类似的指控,但卡梅隆成功的捍卫了自己的名誉,在《终结者》和《泰坦尼克》发行后,他都发表了免责声明。 yeeyan

Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy would also have to be persuaded against it as well.
应该有人去说服英国的卡梅伦和法国的萨克奇也反对这样的做法。 yeeyan




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