词汇 | 鞭长莫及 |
释义 | 鞭长莫及 辨形“莫”,不能写作“模”。 辨析①“莫”在此处作副词用;“及”作动词用。②此成语今已不用其本义;多用其喻义。③也作“鞭长不及马腹”。 辨形“莫”,不能写作“模”。 辨析①“莫”在此处作副词用;“及”作动词用。②此成语今已不用其本义;多用其喻义。③也作“鞭长不及马腹”。 歇后语隔黄河赶牛 法文le pouvoir ne s'étend pas aux régions lointaines 俄文руки коротки 德文nicht in js Kraft stehen auβerhalb der eigenen Macht liegen 宋国国君知道了后,十分气愤,将申舟扣留下来。大臣华元对国君说:“楚国事先未有通知,便是把我国当作已亡,领土已归属于他。我们必须维护独立主权的尊严,不能受这种侮辱!就算楚国要发兵进攻,大不了就亡国。但我们宁可战败,也不服屈辱!” 宋国国君听了后,处死了申舟,并随时迎接楚国的进攻。 楚庄王得知消息后,果然派兵进攻宋国,并将宋国都城睢阳团团围住。双方相持了好几个月,楚国也未能取胜。 第二年春,宋国派大夫乐婴向晋国求助。晋景公准备出兵为宋国平反时,大夫伯宗劝道:“‘虽鞭长,不及马腹鞭子再长,也打不到马的肚子’,我们又怎能管得了楚国呢?” 【注意】多用于有这样的愿望却使不上劲儿的场合,表示一种无奈的心情。 反义词 The traditional private law only protect trade secrets in the way provided by civil law and cannot restrict the misuse of trade secrets. But al- Qaeda’s surviving leaders are reckoned to have decamped across the border to the tribal areas of Pakistan, where Western forces do not tread. But al- Qaeda's surviving leaders are reckoned to have decamped across the border to the tribal areas of Pakistan, where Western forces do not tread. But psychologically, a problem under your own roof is easier to handle than a problem caused by someone far away, whom you can’t even get on the phone to complain to. A second challenge comes from the popular Catholicism that tends to flourish best in those parts of rural Brazil where the church has little presence. And anti- pollution measures and regulations are falling far short of getting to grips with it. Others guess that, once cornered, Mr Gbagbo will opt for exile in a friendly country beyond the reach of the International Criminal Court at The Hague, which already has its eyes on him. She will find a place for you at her court, I don't doubt. A safe place, beyond my sister's reach. Though the building is50 miles from the Pacific Ocean and well beyond the reach of killer tidal waves, a blue and white metal sign at its entrance says “ Entering Tsunami Hazard Zone.” It is entirely possible for a political dissident in one country to have his website hosted in a different part of the world— far from the reach of the authorities against whom he writes and speaks. Secondly, it was beyond the reach of any normal legal sanction thanks to its global mirrored servers. I cannot help him because it is beyond my grasp. Western economic leverage over Russia is limited. The thought of the German plane delivering my diaries to me safely in Portugal, beyond the reach of the last German official who could seize them, greatly pleased me. The researchers said the therapy, such as single- use cocktails of antiretroviral therapy can not cure AIDS, because of its potential pool beyond the reach of the AIDS virus. It may be inevitable that some banks are too big to fail; but the lesson of Citi is that they can also be too big to manage. Once they leave they can do none of these things. In the past Japanese prime ministers have fallen on their metaphorical swords for much less. Proponents of the change argue that Pará is too big to be run from Belém. As a“ progressive” politician from the centre-left, who had got on just as well with Bill Clinton, Mr Blair reached audiences in parts of the world, and of America, that Mr Bush could not reach. As all peacekeeping troops enjoy absolute legal immunity, the host country cannot do anything either. It's farther from Libya to Britain but not beyond reach. |
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