释义 |
Cambridge grey 基本例句 浅灰色 This dark grey or brown oil shale develops numerous lamellation and is composed of tenuous organic lamina and grey calcareous lamina.该油页岩呈深灰色或棕褐色,页理发育,主要由富含有机质纹层和浅灰色钙质纹层形成的毫米级沉积层偶组成。 Identify the GPS wire harness coming from the gearbox, ending with the light grey connectors under the seat on the left subframe rail, and disconnect the multi-plug.确定的全球定位系统线束来自变速箱,结束与浅灰色的连接器下的座位在左边子帧铁路和断开多插头。 |