释义 |
霍金斯 HuòJīnSī 基本例句 Hawkins 我在你们旅馆预定了一个房间。我的名字叫查尔斯·霍金斯。I have a room reserved in your hotel. My name is Charles Hawkins. 霍金斯的孩子们在游乐场里乘这乘那,只顾得玩,后来发觉连搭公共汽车回家的钱都不够了。Hawkins' children went on everything at the Fair, and then found they hadn't enough money to get the bus home. 霍金斯先生被提名为市长,不过我怀疑他是否合适这职位。MrHawkinsis nominated for mayor, but I have my doubts about his fitness for the office. 霍金斯女士管理公司的账目。MsHawkinshandles the company's accounts. |