

单词 雨过天晴
释义 雨过天晴 yǔ guò tiān qíng 常用成语
the sky clears after the rainwhen the incident or confusion is over,things become normal again繁体雨過天晴近义雨后初霁;云开日出;云消雾散反义彤云密布;天昏地暗;大雨如注辨形“晴”,不能写作“睛”。辨形“晴”,不能写作“睛”。日文雨が上がって空そらがからりと晴はれる
俄文После дождя солньшко светит.
德文auf Regen folgt Sonnenschein雨过天晴的早晨,空气清新极了。连动式:作谓语;定语;指天气或局势;含褒义。明 谢肇淛《文海披沙记》:“陶器,紫窑最古,世传柴世宗时烧造,所司请其色,御批云:'雨过天晴云破处,这般颜色做将来。'”解释: 雨后天气转晴。清·贪梦道人《彭公案》二一回:“天上雨也住了,雨过天晴,风息云散,漏出一轮红日来。”
叶广岑《广岛故事》五:“黑雨下得猛收得也猛,雨过天晴,太阳又出来了。”解释: 也比喻情况由坏变好。张洁《方舟》七:“‘好了,雨过天晴。’荆华瞥了柳泉一眼,断定她的情绪已经恢复正常。”
苏童《肉联厂的春天》:“那天的聚会有着难得的雨过天晴似的气氛,好朋友从来都是这样,他高兴你也高兴,他不高兴你没法让他高兴。”近义词 放晴云消雾散雨后初霁云开日出雨过天青苦尽甘来反义词 天昏地暗彤云密布大雨如注
雨过天晴;否极泰来。After rain comes fair weather.雨过天晴,路面仍很潮湿,但在阳光照射下,水分正迅速蒸发掉。
The roads were still damp from the early rain, but the sun was drying them rapidly. chinaorb

The rain is over and gone. qwcai

The rain stopped and the sky cleared up.《新英汉大辞典》

The calm after the storm air, is like this pure chaste. blog.sina.com.cn

Enya's first album of new material in five years, Day Without Rain, was released in late2000. westyx

Wherever you are, whichever balcony you're on, do you see the sunlight shining in? blog.sina.com.cn

But then she smiled through her tears like the sun through rain. fzfanyi

The direction of the breeze told us which room to sleep in, and the expanse of the sky would convey whether the rain was just passing over or would be hanging around for a bit. yeeyan

After a gloomy, rainy start, the day brightened and every single second was perfection! yeeyan

馆藏品的另一亮点是一批精致的12世纪汝窑瓷器。 汝窑以“青如天”的釉色知名,被中国人称做“雨过天晴云破处”。
Another museum highlight is the exquisite collection of12th- century Ju Ware porcelain, renowned for its celestial green color, a shade known in Chinese as“the color of the sky after rain.” yeeyan

Ordinary experience, in the bright light, the color of yellowish green, like the storm is over, the one finally parted and allowed some time to clarify the blue sky on a golden thrown sunlight. artron

With the light changes view its glaze color, like calm after the storm, mild plain; orangelipin

By the same token, no matter we are facing what kinds of difficulties, the rainy days will be gone for we know we will have sunshine one day. fjdh

We sheltered under a tree until the shower passed. iciba

We shelter under a tree until the shower passed. iciba

Although summer is the rainy season Tarzan, but if we catch up with the summer storm, you can enjoy the mountains at the top of the hill Hongxia blossoming, and the foot cloud Bibo breathtaking views. qite8

Above all, anything that could bother a seven-year-old was something that I could always talk to him about. Papa would set me on his knee and listen to me cry. He made the world go away with one hug. ebigear

Organizers certainly hope that with opening ceremonies Sunday, the glow will wipe out the gloom. yeeyan

It rained and now the rain is over. blog.hangzhou.com.cn

' No comment on the phone- tapping: 'What a beautiful day today. milanchina

Wangdatong, his work “shine after raining” was your tutor for your artwork on your graduation. blog.sina.com.cn

Caught in a shower, people just find a pub, drinking a cup of beer. cxnothing.space.nau.edu.cn

The wind ceased and the cloud scattered. Flowers were dancing in the wind. Two beautiful butterflies flying out of the tomb danced elegantly , freely and happily in the sun. blog.sina.com.cn




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